Home Health Charcoal toothpaste, pimple patches on bug bites: Do ‘well being hacks’ work? Here’s what Chicago docs say

Charcoal toothpaste, pimple patches on bug bites: Do ‘well being hacks’ work? Here’s what Chicago docs say

Charcoal toothpaste, pimple patches on bug bites: Do ‘well being hacks’ work? Here’s what Chicago docs say


From brushing with charcoal toothpaste to utilizing a pimple patch on a mosquito chew, you’ve got most likely seen the viral movies on social media. And perhaps you’ve got even tried among the developments your self. But a handful of Chicago medical specialists are setting the document straight on the subject of well being hacks.

“My patients ask me questions about the things they’re seeing online, ‘like should I do this?'” Whitney DiFoggio, a Registered Dental Hygienist informed NBC Chicago. “There’s so many wild things, the weirdest things you’d ever think of.”

DiFoggio additionally hosts a YouTube channel referred to as “Teeth Talk Girl,” to assist decipher reality from fiction on the subject of myths and rumors round oral hygiene, tooth whitening and extra.

“There’s so many things that could damage your teeth and you wouldn’t even know until it’s too late,” DiFoggio stated, including that some developments can result in irreversible penalties, like broken enamel.

“Once it’s damaged, it’s damaged,” DiFoggio stated. “Enamel doesn’t grow back.”

So what works, and what would not? When it involves hacks seen on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, here is a breakdown.

Teeth whitening hacks: which of them work, which of them do not?

Brushing with charcoal toothpaste: According to DiFoggio, brushing with charcoal is “too abrasive.”

“Although charcoal might work, it might actually whiten your teeth a little, it’s actually removing layers of your enamel,” DiFoggio stated, including that worn down enamel could be “painful and sensitive.”

Purple toothpaste: “It’s a gimmick,” DiFoggio stated, including that its marketed as a “purple shampoo” that may chemically bond to tooth to take away stains.

“That’s not what’s happening, because there’s no binding happening,” DiFoggio stated. “It washes right off your teeth.”

Spices like turmeric: “The American Dental Association has it on their website that spices do not have any evidence of teeth whitening,” DiFoggio stated.

Apple Cider Vinegar: According to DiFoggio, the acidity in apple cider vinegar can do extra hurt than good.

“You don’t want your mouth to be acidic. You want your mouth to be neutral, and a neutral mouth reduces cavities, reduces enamel erosion,” DiFoggio stated.

Whitening strips: According to DiFoggio, whitening strips do work, “especially if they contain peroxide.”

“Even better if they’re approved by the American Dental Association,” DiFoggio stated. “You can discover on the field of whitening if there’s the ADA seal of acceptance on there. Then you understand it has been examined for security and efficacy.”

“I also tell my patients it’s the best option because they’re affordable. And the only negative is they might take some time. They might take a couple of weeks to two or three weeks,” DiFoggio added.

Other well being hacks making the rounds on social media

Pimple patches to deal with mosquito bites

Can pimple patches assist heal mosquito bites sooner? NBC Chicago health reporter Lauren Petty requested Megha Trivedi, a dermatologist at RUSH University Medical Center.

“Overall, not a bad idea, if it’s a mosquito bump and you want it to kind of heal faster, you can absolutely use a hydrocolloid patch,” Trivedi stated.

“We use it for wound care, and hydrocolloid has the property of moisture wicking,” Trivedi stated, explaining how she makes use of hydrocolloid patches in her apply on a regular basis. But she stated there’s one factor the pimple patches can’t do.

“Some of these claims that hydrocolloid patches help with itching are actually not true,” Trivedi stated. “You want to make sure you use something like a hydrocortisone over the counter to help with that.”

Drinking liquid chlorophyll for higher digestion

Michael Brown, a gastroenterologist at RUSH, stated he is seen a number of “buzz” round consuming liquid chlorophyll to help in digestion. But can it?

“It might,” Brown stated.

However, extra human analysis is required, Brown added.

“There’s animal knowledge that prompt it is a robust antioxidant. It might alter that intestine microbiome in a method that is favorable, that would maybe assist with bloating, which is a very tough symptom to take care of,” Brown stated.

Side results embrace nausea and diarrhea, however Brown stated liquid chlorophyll may go for some individuals.

“If a patient gets better with it, there’s no harm. This can be taken forever. It’s very safe stuff. You can get it when you eat kale and lettuce too, but you can get a more concentrated here,” Brown stated.

But secure is not all the time the case for all of the well being hacks that fill social media feeds.

“The problem with social media is it’s testimonials,” Brown stated. “You’ve got to be a little bit careful because sometimes the things that they’re pushing aren’t exactly safe. This one happens to be safe.”

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