Home Latest Chiefs Deploy ‘New Technology’ for Andy Reid’s Foggy Face Shield

Chiefs Deploy ‘New Technology’ for Andy Reid’s Foggy Face Shield

Chiefs Deploy ‘New Technology’ for Andy Reid’s Foggy Face Shield


Um . . . ewwww.

Um . . . ewwww.
Screenshot: NBC

Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid will be rocking his famous COVID-19 protective face shield again in week 2 against the Chargers.

And this time, luckily, we won’t have to see his breath particles making an appearance on national television.

ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported that Reid’s face shield will be improved with NHL-inspired defogging technology.

In week one versus the Texans, it seemed like Reid was looking more at his own breath more than the playbook.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it later came out that Reid ate a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos before the game, because only a snack with that level of potency can produce that much hot breath.

The league and players association — because NFL coaching staffers do not have a union — have forced all coaches to wear face coverings on the sidelines at all times. The league doubled down on that mandate after opening week, when a few coaches were spotted being a little more liberal with their usage of the protective gear.

Hopefully, Reid’s new and improved face shield will allow the coach to monitor the game without staring at a bunch of CO2.


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