Home Latest Chozuba Area leads medal tally on day 2 of Phek district sports activities meet

Chozuba Area leads medal tally on day 2 of Phek district sports activities meet

Chozuba Area leads medal tally on day 2 of Phek district sports activities meet


The Phek district sports activities meet entered its 2nd day on April 12.

Kohima, April 12 (MExN): The Chozuba Area Sports Association (CASA) continued to steer the medal tally of the Phek district sports activities meet on day 2 with 24 medals (11 gold, 6 silver, 7 bronze). 

Chokri Area Games and Sports Association (CAGSA) was in second place with 26 medals (8 gold, 14 silver, 4 bronze) adopted by Phek Area Sports Association with 11 medals (4 gold, 7 bronze).

At the tip of the athletic occasions, Mulusayi Medeo of Chozuba Area was the person champion with three gold medals in 400m dash (0.57.25), 800m race (02:12.04) and 1500 m race (4.38.47).  

For the ladies’s athletic occasions, Choyivelu Neinu (PASA) and Chekrotalu Khusoh (CASA) shared the glory of being the perfect girls’s athlete with each profitable three gold medals every. Neinu gained three gold medals in 100m sprint (0:14.53), Long Jump (4.48m) and Triple soar (9.61m) 

Khusoh gained three gold medals in 800m race (02:48.63), 1500 m race (06:06.47) and 3000m race (15:12.00).  

Venuzo Dawhuo of Chokri Area Games and Sports took gold in discus throw along with his greatest throw of 36.22 meter. He bettered his file that gained him the gold medal within the 2nd Nagaland Olympic Games in 2022 along with his greatest throw of 35.53 meter. Vemele Thingo, additionally of CAGSA, was second with 30.96 meter, adopted by Huluyi D Vadeo of CCSA with 29.49 meter. 

In the shotput competitors, the Northeast gold medalist Venuzo Dawhuo (CAGSA) obtained his second gold medal along with his throw of 12.08m. Vemele Thingo (CAGSA) with 11.35 m was in second and third place was Wetso Kapfo with 10.80m. 

In males’s soccer, defending champions Center Chakhesang Sports Association (CCSA) settled for a 1-1 draw towards Seceku Area Sports Association within the first match; whereas Khezha-Kuzha Tephe Sports Association defeated Chokri Area Games and Sports 2-0 within the second match. 

The Sports Associations consisting of 9 areas with Chozuba Area, Chokri Area, Phek Area, Centre Chakhesang, Seceku Area, Khezha-Kuzha Tephe, Tizu Area, Phoyisha, Sekrüzu Area are collaborating within the Phek district stage event with greater than 800 athletes competing.

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