Home Latest CM Ashok Gehlot repeats ‘forgive and forget’ mantra, twice in 2 days

CM Ashok Gehlot repeats ‘forgive and forget’ mantra, twice in 2 days

CM Ashok Gehlot repeats ‘forgive and forget’ mantra, twice in 2 days


Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot, who now faces the arduous task to welcoming his sacked deputy Sachin Pilot, channelled the “forget and forgive” spirit on Tuesday, adding it is time to “move forward” and put a lid on the unsavoury rebellion in the state unit that threatened the survival of his government.

Sachin Pilot, who secured a truce deal with Congress high command that also promised a panel to look into his grievances, is expected to meet CM Gehlot at a Congress Legislature Party meeting scheduled later today.

“The struggle of Congress party is to SaveDemocracy under leadership of Smt SoniaGandhi ji & RahulGandhi ji. Whatever misunderstanding occurred in the party in last one month, we need to forgive & forget in the interest of country, state, ppl & in the interest of democracy. We have to put all our energies in this fight to save democracy with the spirit of forgive & forget and move forward,” tweeted CM Gehlot today.

The tweet does indicate a softening of stance, as the CM had used particularly harsh words against his deputy, calling Pilot “nikkamma, nakkara” as the feud between the two intensified over the period of one month.

On the other hand, Sachin Pilot only raised questions on the CM’s working style, and never got personal. Directly accused by the CM of being hand-in-glove with the BJP to topple his government, Pilot underscored that he is with the Congress and such statements are being made to tarnish his image.

Pilot, who returned to Jaipur on Tuesday after ending his month-long rebellion, said he has not demanded any post from the party.

On Wednesday, Gehlot said the resentment among the Congress lawmakers is natural about the rehabilitation of the 19 dissident party legislators, but he managed to placate the legislators as he explained to them that it was a bid to save democracy in the desert state. He asked them to forgive, forget and move on.

Gehlot impressed upon the legislators that sometimes politicians have to take the rough with the smooth in the interests of the public and democracy.

“Forget and forgive and move on in the interest of the country, the state, the people of the state and democracy. Democracy in under threat. This was a fight to save democracy, in which our MLAS gave their support,” Gehlot had said.


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