Home Latest Conclave-Cum-Symposium on Self-Reliance in Missile Technology Successfully Held in Visakhapatnam –

Conclave-Cum-Symposium on Self-Reliance in Missile Technology Successfully Held in Visakhapatnam –

Conclave-Cum-Symposium on Self-Reliance in Missile Technology Successfully Held in Visakhapatnam –


A momentous occasion, the Missile Technology Conclave-cum-Symposium centered across the theme ‘Aatmanirbharta in Missile Repairs & Indigenisation Technologies (AMRIT-2023)’ was organized with nice success by INS Kalinga on the Samudrika Auditorium, Naval Base, Visakhapatnam on August 23, 2023. The inauguration was graced by Vice Admiral Sameer Saxena, AVSM, NM, Chief of Staff, Eastern Naval Command. The inaugural session was additional enriched with particular addresses by Dr Y Srinivas Rao, DS, DG NS&M, and Shri GA Srinivasa Murthy, DS, Director DRDL.


The symposium served as a platform to carry collectively professionals from numerous organizations, facilitating a vibrant trade of concepts by means of participating paper displays and insightful technical talks. Esteemed academia companions, together with the Military Institute of Technology, Pune, and the National Research and Development Corporation (NRDC), actively enriched the discussions, providing invaluable views for his or her ongoing work.


The occasion garnered a outstanding response from DRDO, PSUs, DPSUs, Indian Private Defence industries, MSMEs/Start-ups, representatives from the State Government, and the Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers (SIDM). Exhibition stalls showcased the prowess and capabilities of DRDO labs, DPSUs, and personal defence companies within the discipline of Missile Repairs and Indigenisation.


This symposium performed a pivotal position in fostering a collaborative atmosphere amongst numerous stakeholders, encompassing Indian Public and personal Industries, DRDO Labs, Academia, and the Indian Navy. In alignment with the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ mission of the Government of India, the occasion aimed to mitigate reliance on Foreign OEMs, bolster Defence Industry core competencies, and finally information the nation in direction of self-reliance.


The Chief Guest conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to all taking part entities for his or her contributions in direction of realizing the imaginative and prescient of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ and for making AMRIT-23 a powerful success. The occasion concluded on a excessive be aware with a vote of thanks delivered by Cmde CS Nayar, Commanding Officer, INS Kalinga. The symposium additionally witnessed lively engagement from naval personnel, Subject Matter Experts, native companies, technical institutes, and engineering schools, collectively enhancing the general triumph of the occasion.



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