• Published on Sep 25, 2020

Video Transcript


JOHN WHYTE: You’re watching

Coronavirus in Context.

I’m Dr. John Whyte,

chief medical officer at WebMD.

How do you feel

about your health care?

Is it good?

Is it bad?

A lot of people

will say we have the best health

care in the world,

if you have insurance.

And what has COVID taught us

about the realities of how we

deliver care in the United


To help provide some insight,

I’ve asked William Brangham.

He’s the host of a new series

at PBS NewsHour called The Best

Health: America and the World.

William, thanks for joining me.


nice to see you.

Happy to be here.

JOHN WHYTE: Now, you started

filming this series pre-COVID

to really provide insight–


you have this great line where

you talk about we have

tremendous innovation

in the United States,

yet we also have

these significant disparities

in who receives health.

So tell us the status of health

care in the United States.


as you say,

we set out to do this

before the pandemic disrupted

everything about our jobs

and our lives

and all of– all of those things

that we have been living

through the past six months

or so.

The– the whole idea

for the series

was to look at American health

care, and it’s the best parts

of it and the worst parts of it,

and then go to three

other nations that are

able to do certain things better

than we can do, principally,

are able to find a way

to provide universal health

care for all their citizens.

And so the idea was this

was going to be a big debate

going on

in the Democratic primaries.

Remember, this was back

in January and February

when we started filming this.

And so we thought let’s do

a– a portrait

of American health care.

We went to Houston, Texas

for that.

And in some ways,

I think Houston,

and Texas, uh, more broadly,

is emblematic of American health


Houston, Texas is home

to the Texas Medical Center,

which is one

of the great medical hubs

in America.

And just a few miles away

from the Texas Medical Center

are census tracts,

are neighborhoods, largely poor,

in this case largely

Black neighborhoods, where

people in those neighborhoods

die 20 years earlier,

on average,

than people just a few miles


JOHN WHYTE: But we don’t have

to go to Houston

to see that, William.

We see that in Boston,

where you can’t spit and not hit

a teaching hospital.

We see that in Philadelphia.

We see it–


JOHN WHYTE: –in– here

in the nation’s capital, where

you and I are.



JOHN WHYTE: –how does that

compare to, say, the UK

or Australia or Switzerland,

some of those countries

that you visited?


the interesting thing,

is that we thought, OK, let’s

pick countries that are

similarly developed– again,

they’re not nearly as big as we

are, they’re not,

generally speaking,

as wealthy as we are,

but how is it that they do what

we can’t do?

So we went to the UK, as you


and Switzerland and Australia,

all three nations that

do achieve universal health


They do it without bankrupting

their countries, and they do it

in a way that provides a system

that, generally speaking,

is overwhelmingly

beloved by the people

in those countries.

They also get better outcomes

than we do.

This is the incredible thing,

is that they spend less

per person

in each of those three countries

and they get better health

outcomes in general, like people

live longer or they don’t suffer

from chronic diseases as much,

they die at much lower rates

than we do from things that are


So we tried to look at a sort

of a comparison of, well, what

do we do great

and what do we fall down on,

and how did these three

other nations do it.

The interesting thing

is those three nations–

and we chose them very

specifically– they get

to universal health care

through very different means.

Everyone knows the UK,

the famous National Health


It’s a single payer system.

You get taxed fairly heavily,

and the government then pays all

the doctors and all

the hospitals.

Switzerland does it

in the exact opposite way.

It’s very similar to the US


It’s 100% private insurance.

There is no governmental role

in providing health care or any

of that.

It’s all private insurers.

Australia is a bit of a hybrid.

They have a public system that

is paid for by taxes,

but overlaid with that,

almost half the country uses

private insurance.

So we sort of looked

at the mechanics of each

of those nations

to say, OK, they’re achieving

these results that we all say

we want.

We want everyone to have

good access to health care.

How did they do it?

Let’s look what we might learn

from them.

JOHN WHYTE: What surprised you?


I have listened

for many, many years

to the health care debate

in this country, and it’s always

presented as if, well, if you

want to cover everyone, or go

to Canada or go to America–

go to the UK,

you’re going to be waiting

in line forever.

People are going to be

agonizing, waiting for surgery,

and people are going to be

fleeing the nation trying to get

better health care elsewhere.

That’s not necessarily the case.

There are some examples

of longer wait lists in the UK

and in Canada, but the myths

that we have been told

that there is a trade-off

between America’s innovation

and caring for everybody

is really not true.

That was the biggest revelation

to me,

is that these other nations

that share our values

and share our sense of culture

and all of those things,

they can do it, and they can do

it successfully.

So what might we learn?

JOHN WHYTE: Well, I also want

to bring into context,

uh, the elephant in the room,

coronavirus, and–

and see how what you’ve learned


is influencing what the response

has been, you know, particularly

in these different countries.

You’ve talked about how people

view health and the role

of prevention.

Um, the role of prevention

and the focus on prevention is–

is very

different in these countries

than it is in the United States.

Is that correct?


exactly right.

And each of those three nations,

if you simply look at the number

of cases, the number of people

who are dying per capita,

they’re doing much better

than we are with regards

to coronavirus.

It’s– it’s pretty clear.

The UK suffered really

the worst.

They had the hardest outbreak.

And they’ve since rebounded

and have done better.

But none of their responses

guarantee that the virus has

gone away.

They’re still wrestling

with the same virus, and they’re

doing better than we are not

with better medicines

or smarter doctors or–

they just simply mounted, uh,

a more consistent public health



through testing?

Was it through messaging?

What– what did Australia do,

in your mind, that was, you

know, so different that it

resulted in a better outcome?

You know, what– what can

we learn from, you know, their–

their interventions?


in particular, they did a very

good job on testing.

They really ramped up testing

early and got it out

to the public, so they could

really keep their eye

on the spread of the virus.

And when cases broke out,

they were able to zoom in

on that, isolate those people,

and try to put out those smaller


before they became more


Scientists were

the principal drivers

of their policy.

They were the people who were

speaking to the public about why

they are doing these things, why

they’re asking people to wear

masks, why they’re asking people

to not go to work,

why they’re asking people

to take these,

again, uh, understandably hard

economic pain initially to put

this fire out.

They did that, and they got

great compliance.

I think consistent messaging

across the board

was something all three

of these nations shared,

a science-driven approach.

Um, there’s also– and I think

this is interesting, especially

in Switzerland–

you touched on this before,

John– the–

the view that people

in these nations

have towards their government,

especially their public health


it’s not a politicized thing.

I mean, Switzerland did not

enact a terribly aggressive

lockdown measure,

but if you look

at the compliance

as it was tracked by,

you know, cell phone data of how

far people were driving away

from their homes, the government

sort of said, we need you

to stay home,

please try to do this, the Swiss

did it unbelievably well.

They just said, the government

is saying we need to do this

to control the virus,

we will do this.


JOHN WHYTE: So why is it

different here?


a big, fractious nation.

We have

different political opinions.

We have vigorous debates

about these things.

I mean, also we have conspiracy


We have people who are– are

telling others to not believe,

that Anthony Fauci is somehow

out to undo this country, not

to try to help heal

this country.

So we have the– we run

the spectrum of healthy

skepticism towards institutions

and questioning and a vigorous

debate, but we also tend


I think many would look

at our response and say

we’ve– we’ve– we’ve taken that

skepticism a little bit too far,

that– that–

I– I don’t think there is

any evidence that public health

officials are trying to control

us by asking us to wear a mask

or trying to control

our lives by asking us to stay

home and keep

our distance from people.

And so I think that has been,

in some ways, our undoing.

It’s one of the great things

that makes America America,

this rigorous, vigorous debate

that we have.

It– it sometimes has gone too

far, I would argue.

JOHN WHYTE: You’ve touched

upon in this show

about this issue of whether, you

know, health care is

a human right.

And you also address this issue

of disparity.

We’re seeing it front and center

with the impact of COVID

on minority populations,

marginalized populations,

sometimes six times

the death rate.

It’s not just access

to the health care system.

We all know that.

It’s those social determinants

of health– access

to fresh fruits and vegetables,

walking paths, um, you know,

other aspects

of– of their total health.

How fair is it, people could

say, you know, to– to make

these comparisons [INAUDIBLE]

amongst the different countries?


out initially–

again, all pre-pandemic–

to simply look at this issue

of universal health care.

How is it that they do that

which we cannot seem to do?

Why do we have 30 million

Americans, nearly 10%

of our population,

uninsured and–

and reluctant to get care

because it costs too much?

How did those nations tackle


With regards to COVID, I think

as you’re– as you’re pointing

out, there’s a lot of other

factors that make

the disparities we have with

regards to coronavirus, things

that you exactly touched on.

The people who tend to be

uninsured in this country,

poorer, minority Americans

principally, are also the people

who are putting themselves

professionally in the jobs that

make them most likely to get


They don’t have the luxury

of working like we do

in our homes.

And so again– that’s,

in some ways,

apart from our health care

system more broadly.

I do think there is a way

in which our health care system

has complicated our–

our coronavirus response.

And it’s simply that I–

I think the recent polling shows

that a third of Americans

have said that they avoided

some medical treatment

because they were worried

about the cost.

If that is in your mind

and you come down with a fever,

you start having a dry cough,

you’ve seen on the news

that these might be symptoms

of the coronavirus,

if you are concerned

about getting hit

with a bill, especially

when you’re not sure

if your job is going to stick

around till next week, that

fear, that reluctance to go

and get care, which

is crucial for our public health

response, that directly affects

our ability to respond if people

are afraid to go to the doctor,

are afraid to go to get

to a test,

because they don’t know

if they’re going to get knocked

with a big bill.

And that, I think,

is one of the central ways

in which our inability to cover


has complicated our response.

I would say there’s no doubt

about that.

JOHN WHYTE: But in fairness,

that was also very much

pre-COVID, you know, during this

COVID pandemic, health

institutions, systems also told

patients, don’t come

into the emergency room, you

know, don’t just come

to the doctor’s office–


JOHN WHYTE: –be sure to call.

So they were fearful also,

you know, of catching COVID-19,

as well.


JOHN WHYTE: I mean, now we’re

trying to tell people to come

back because we know, you know,

preventive services are– are

way down, in terms

of colonoscopies and mammograms.

How is COVID-19 permanently

changing the way we deliver

health or view health here

in the United States

compared to the rest

of the world?


to the rest of the world,

I’m not sure.

I– I would say that the–

JOHN WHYTE: Are they changing?

Do you think it changed there,

as well?




the things that I would point

to that I think will change

in American medicine–

and again, this is simply from

talking to a lot of doctors

and practitioners through

the course of my reporting–

I think we have suddenly put

telehealth on warp speed.

And people are recognizing

that you can get–

I mean, I’ve had now

several doctors visits purely

the way you and I are talking

right here.

As soon as we can develop

the technology for, you know,

better diagnostics, blood

pressure, whatever– whatever

my doctor needs to know from me

that they can’t get this way,

as long as we can start

to transmit that, I think

that will be a big leap forward.

I would hope that

the– the focus on hygiene,

the basics of handwashing,

distancing when you’re sick,


there’s– there’s the belief

that some of the things that we

are putting in place for COVID

might, in fact, help us avoid

a more severe flu season.

Those types of things

would be great.

If people become more cognizant

of the fact

that, you know what, I’m feeling

these symptoms, I’m not sure

if it’s a cold, I’m not sure

if it’s the flu, but maybe

there’s something I ought

to do– again,

it requires the luxury of not

getting fired from your job

if you need to take a day off,

but I think those things will


JOHN WHYTE: Where can viewers

learn more about your series?

They can find many

of the episodes that have

already been done?


the whole series is now

at pbs.org/newshour.

That’s the PBS NewsHour website.

And at the very top, they’ll

see a little banner, a little

green and red, uh, uh, uh,

medical sign at the top.

And the name of the series

is right there, The Best Health


And you can click on that,

and you can see all the stories

we did, a lot

of interactive features, polls.

But all the stories are listed

right there at the top

of the NewsHour’s website.

JOHN WHYTE: Thank you for taking

the time to do this type

of reporting to help shed, you


some light in– in terms

of where the system is doing


and– and where it is failing,

uh, many of our citizens.


very nice to meet you.

Thank you so much for having me


JOHN WHYTE: And thank you

for watching Coronavirus

in Context.