Home Latest Couple uses real tiger in gender reveal party, receives flak

Couple uses real tiger in gender reveal party, receives flak

Couple uses real tiger in gender reveal party, receives flak


Although sex determination of an unborn baby is illegal in India, in countries where it is permissible, gender reveal parties are a common fixture. Various creative ways are adopted to indicate gender of the baby to the guests. The creativity may have gone a bit too far in a gender reveal party in Dubai. A real tiger was used to indicate gender of the child.

The couple in question has received a lot of flak for making use of the tiger.

In a video posted on Instagram, the tiger can be seen roaming on the beach next to the famed Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai. Its curiosity is piqued by a few balloons floating just a few metres above ground. The tiger leaps in air, bursts a balloon that sends pink powder in air, an apparent indication that it’s a girl.

Check out the video


The video has not gone down too well with viewers. Many of them have termed use of tiger, an endangered animal, improper, even a gimmick.

“Ridiculous, wild animals shouldn’t be pets,” says a viewer in comments

“Yes congratulations and everything. But this animal belongs to the wild,” says another.

The diapproving remarks have come in spite of a disclaimer written by the woman who has posted the video 

“Disclaimer- tiger was not harmed and plastic was disposed of,” it reads.

Along with those who disapproved of the video, there apparently are many of them who didn’t mind watching the tiger burst the balloon. The video has got more than 900 likes.


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