Home Latest Covid-19 patients should include these natural blood thinners in their meals

Covid-19 patients should include these natural blood thinners in their meals

Covid-19 patients should include these natural blood thinners in their meals


Evidences from around the world suggest that blood clots have been a common phenomenon among a large number of critical COVID-19 patients. While doctors in New York City noticed signs of blood thickening and clotting in different organs of COVID-19 patients, researchers from France witnessed similar instances too. They observed high incidences of deep vein clots among severely affected COVID-19 patients admitted to an ICU in Paris. They also suggested anticoagulant therapy (treatment with blood thinners) for critical COVID-19 patients. Blood clots are a potential risk factor for the damage of heart and other organs. In fact, doctors have observed that blood clotting in many COVID-19 patients has led to heart and kidney damage. Also Read – Covishield: Indians likely to get the first shot of this COVID-19 vaccine by November

Why do COVID-19 patients get blood clots?

A research published in the journal Circulation has identified a possible connection between blood clotting and COVID-19. The study authors found a high count of two cells in the blood of COVID-19 patients: Neutrophils (a type of immune cell) and platelets (cells responsible for clotting). They hypothesized that coagulation in COVID-19 patients is the result of the reaction between these two cells. The other complications associated with this physiological reaction are blood vessel blockage and damage to tissues in the surrounding areas. Also Read – FDA puts on hold plasma therapy to treat COVID-19: Here’s what Indian health experts have to say

Natural blood thinners to try at home

At-home care is very crucial for all COVID-19 patients after they are back from the hospital. It becomes all the more important for those who have been severely affected because they experience many associated complications like blood coagulation among others. You need to be extra cautious about this condition if your physician advises you to discontinue anticoagulation medications at home. Discuss with him about including some natural blood thinners in your meals. Here are a few options you can try. Also Read – Top COVID-19 testing myths debunked: Stop believing them


This traditional Indian spice can be your natural anticoagulant. It comes with curcumin, a polyphenol that blocks the function of certain enzymes responsible for blood clotting.

Cayenne Pepper

It is loaded with a natural blood thinner known as salicylate. Several studies have found that it helps in dealing with thrombosis, a condition characterised by clots in the blood vessel. It also helps in reducing blood sugar and lipid levels and hypertension. Cayenne Pepper also comes with anti-obesity properties in several studies.


An element known as coumarin present in this kitchen regular acts a powerful anticoagulant. In fact, it is used in blood thinning medicines like warfarin.


The anticoagulant properties of ginger stem from a similar source as cayenne: Salicylate. Research suggests that this compound can lead to moderate anticoagulation and prevent clotting disorders from giving rise to bleeding complications. Also, go slow on ginger and avoid ginger supplements altogether if you are on warfarin.


This is also a natural blood thinner that has been found effective against thrombosis. In fact, experts suggest that you can take garlic regularly if are suffering from this condition. Additionally, research also suggests that it is safe to take garlic extracts alongside warfarin or other oral anticoagulation medicines. However, it should be monitored by your cardiologist.

Published : August 23, 2020 12:36 pm | Updated:August 23, 2020 12:39 pm


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