Home Latest Cricket-England formidable even without Mills and Roy, says Williamson | Sports-Games

Cricket-England formidable even without Mills and Roy, says Williamson | Sports-Games

Cricket-England formidable even without Mills and Roy, says Williamson | Sports-Games


New Zealand captain Kane Williamson believes England will be a formidable opponent even without Tymal Mills and Jason Roy in Wednesday’s semi-final of the Twenty20 World Cup in Abu Dhabi.

Paceman Mills has been ruled out https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-cricket-t20worldcup-eng-mills-idUKKBN2HO1T7 of the tournament with a thigh strain, while opener Roy has been thrown out of action https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/englands-roy-ruled-out-t20-world-cup-2021-11-08 by a calf injury in two late blows to 2010 champions England. Mill’s exit denies England service of a 20-overs specialist and Eoin Morgan’s team will be forced to rejig their top order to find a new partner for Jos Buttler.

“They’re both big players for England,” Williams said on the eve of what would be a rematch of the 2019 ODI World Cup final in which England triumphed on boundary countback rule. “It’s a real shame that they have suffered injuries in this competition. But I think one of the strengths of the England side is their depth that they’ve managed to produce over a period of time…

“They’re still very much a very strong side who have been playing some really good cricket.” Morgan’s team are bidding to be the first side to hold the 20-overs and the 50-overs World Cups at the same time.

For reigning world test champions New Zealand, this is an opportunity to win the showpiece title in another format. Williamson agreed Roy’s absence affected how New Zealand would have otherwise planned against England’s explosive top order.

“Whenever there’s an injury, someone else comes in and you’re not to know who they are until the toss,” Williamson said. “But you try and prepare and plan as best you can and then when you go out there you’re sort of competing in the moment.

“Jason’s a big player for England and has been playing really nicely and getting the team off to good starts along with Jos (Buttler). “But as I mentioned, the depth on the England side is one of their strengths and we’ll try and plan accordingly to the best of our ability.”

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)


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