Home FEATURED NEWS CRPF Jawan, Civilian Dead After Terrorists Attack Patrol Party In J&K

CRPF Jawan, Civilian Dead After Terrorists Attack Patrol Party In J&K

CRPF Jawan, Civilian Dead After Terrorists Attack Patrol Party In J&K


CRPF Jawan, Civilian Dead After Terrorists Attack Patrol Party In J&K

Terrorists attacked a petrol party in J&K’s Sopore this morning. (File)

Srinagar/ New Delhi:

A Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) jawan died for the country this morning and three others were injured after terrorists attacked a patrol party in Jammu and Kashmir’s Sopore town. One civilian was also killed in the terror attack.

A checkpost was attacked by the terrorists at around 7:30 am in Baramulla district’s Sopore town – about 50 km from Srinagar-  where some policemen and the CRPF troops were on duty, officials said, adding that the troops retaliated promptly.

Those injured were rushed to hospital and the area has been cordoned off.


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