Home Latest D51 adapting to new CHSAA sports schedule

D51 adapting to new CHSAA sports schedule

D51 adapting to new CHSAA sports schedule



District 51 athletics staff are faced with lots of new logistics after CHSAA announced some Fall sports seasons will now be played in the Spring.

Two big ones are football and volleyball. D51 says the athletics schedule will now take place with four seasons, labeled A through D, all in the spring semester of 2021. Football and volleyball will start in the “C season,” which is scheduled to start March 4th. With multiple sports now happening when usually Spring sports just take place, lots of parents have been wondering if their student athlete will have to choose one sport if they are involved with more than one. District 51 says if the sports start in different modified seasons, athletes are eligible to play.

“If there’s a traditional three sport athlete whether its male or female, we’re trying to work opportunities so that could still happen. With four sports seasons, you could actually have kids that are four sport athletes in a year, so that is an option,” said D51 Athletic Director Paul Cain.

For a full list of sports and when the seasons will start, go here: https://chsaanow.com/2020-08-04/chsaa-announces-2020-21-athletics-and-activities-calendar/

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