Home Latest Dame Edna creator Barry Humphries dies at age 89

Dame Edna creator Barry Humphries dies at age 89

Dame Edna creator Barry Humphries dies at age 89


Barry Humphries performs as Dame Edna for a farewell tour in London on Nov. 13, 2013. Tony Award-winning comic Barry Humphries, internationally famend for his garish stage persona Dame Edna Everage, died on Saturday in Sydney.

Joel Ryan/Joel Ryan/Invision/AP

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Joel Ryan/Joel Ryan/Invision/AP

Barry Humphries performs as Dame Edna for a farewell tour in London on Nov. 13, 2013. Tony Award-winning comic Barry Humphries, internationally famend for his garish stage persona Dame Edna Everage, died on Saturday in Sydney.

Joel Ryan/Joel Ryan/Invision/AP

CANBERRA, Australia — Tony Award-winning comic Barry Humphries, internationally famend for his garish stage persona Dame Edna Everage, a condescending and imperfectly-veiled snob whose evolving character has delighted audiences over seven many years, has died. He was 89.

His loss of life was confirmed Saturday by the Sydney hospital the place he spent a number of days with problems following hip surgical procedure.

Humphries had lived in London for many years and returned to native Australia in December for Christmas.

He advised The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper final month that his physiotherapy had been “agony” following his fall and hip substitute.

“It was the most ridiculous thing, like all domestic incidents are. I was reaching for a book, my foot got caught on a rug or something, and down I went,” Humphries stated of his fall.

Humphries has remained an lively entertainer, touring Britain final yr together with his one-man present “The Man Behind the Mask.”

The character of Dame Edna started as a dowdy Mrs. Norm Everage, who first took to the stage in Humphries’ hometown of Melbourne within the mid-Nineteen Fifties. She mirrored a postwar suburban inertia and cultural blandness that Humphries discovered stifling.

Edna is certainly one of Humphries’ a number of enduring characters. The subsequent most well-known is Sir Les Patterson, an ever-drunk, matted and lecherous Australian cultural attache.

Patterson mirrored a notion of Australia as a Western cultural wasteland that drove Humphries together with many main Australian intellectuals to London.

Humphries, a legislation faculty dropout, discovered main success as an actor, author and entertainer in Britain within the Nineteen Seventies, however the United States was an ambition that he discovered stubbornly elusive.

A excessive level within the United States was a Tony Award in 2000 for his Broadway present “Dame Edna: The Royal Tour.”

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese paid tribute to the celebrated comic.

“For 89 years, Barry Humphries entertained us through a galaxy of personas, from Dame Edna to Sandy Stone,” Albanese tweeted, referring to the aged Stone, certainly one of Humphries most enduring characters. “But the brightest star in that galaxy was always Barry. A great wit, satirist, writer and an absolute one-of-kind, he was both gifted and a gift.”

British comic Ricky Gervais tweeted: “Farewell, Barry Humphries, you comedy genius.”

Piers Morgan, British tv character, additionally paid tribute. “One of the funniest people I’ve ever met,” Morgan tweeted.

“A wondrously intelligent, entertaining, daring, provocative, mischievous comedy Genius,” Morgan added.

Married 4 instances, he’s survived by his spouse Lizzie Spender and 4 kids.

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