Home Latest DARPA Strategic Technology Office RFI Seeks New Capabilities and Concepts – HS Today

DARPA Strategic Technology Office RFI Seeks New Capabilities and Concepts – HS Today

DARPA Strategic Technology Office RFI Seeks New Capabilities and Concepts – HS Today


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Strategic Technology Office (STO) develops know-how to provide nationwide safety leaders trusted, disruptive capabilities to win in all bodily domains (air, area, sea, and land) and throughout the spectrum of competitors, from deterrence to high-end peer fight. Leveraging developments in applied sciences corresponding to superior microelectronics, elevated computing capability, and utilized machine studying/synthetic intelligence, STO will pursue options within the areas of superior energetic and passive sensing; battlefield results; command, management, and communications; system of autonomous techniques; and empowered human choice making. STO will develop and ship options at a velocity and scale to be operationally related in only a few years from the initiation of the undertaking to proof of idea.

In order to achieve the broadest set of potential performers for future workplace tasks, this request for data (RFI) is searching for data from potential performers for any or all the analysis areas listed under. This RFI is to offer a mechanism to tell the workplace of recent capabilities and ideas and the potential performers who will present them. DARPA will use this data to find out the businesses and people that STO would invite to have additional substantive discussions to tell future tasks and applications in appropriately categorised settings when essential.

Areas which are of continued curiosity to STO are applied sciences that allow important advances find troublesome, elusive “targets.” This contains new modalities, sensors, and sign processing strategies that create leap-ahead goal detection, monitoring, and recognition. STO additionally envisions a way forward for sensing and networking that, with none countermeasures, leaves “nowhere left to hide.” STO is fascinated about thwarting sensor and communication techniques with the aim of offering sanctuary for army operations. Advances in autonomy for mobility and sign processing have enabled the appearance of distributed techniques for operations, sensing, and assault. The applied sciences for enabling greater ranges of autonomy, the means to construct belief within the autonomous techniques, and the mechanisms to scale such autonomy and related platforms are of curiosity. The applied sciences on easy methods to deal with system failures and issues encountered by an autonomous system in an setting of restricted communications are additionally of curiosity. Communications allow a big fraction of our trendy lives with a direct tradeoff between belief in autonomous techniques, coaching with respect to battle-management/command and management, and the capability and robustness of our communication networks. Hardware and software program efforts have created a strong eco-system of software program outlined radios throughout most of the radio frequency bands together with extremely directional radios. Other efforts have created adaptive gateways to bridge between extremely disparate networks. STO is fascinated about new approaches to communication networks which are scalable for extremely directional and extensively disparate radio techniques. STO understands that communications will likely be fleeting, at finest, and thus a mission-level or information-centric method for routing is required. The potential for transferring from end-point management to utilizing intermediate gateways, routers, or end-points that may adapt to system/mission wants is of curiosity.

Areas which are of recent curiosity come from STO’s broad span of analysis domains, which permit the workplace to rethink competitors. The Department of Defense (DoD) has primarily targeted on competitors associated to battlefield actions and to create asymmetries advantageous for U.S. forces. Recent world occasions have demonstrated the affect of different dimensions of competitors corresponding to financial, environmental, market, and manufacturing. Therefore, STO is fascinated about applied sciences to create alternatives for asymmetries in these broad areas of competitors. The targets of these asymmetries are to set favorable circumstances and maximize optionality for infinite (versus finite, single-focus) contests that deal with these different dimensions. These infinite contests are extremely advanced and have important ambiguity of state that require approaches just like the observe–orient–resolve–act (OODA) cycle. One method could also be growing a probe-sense-decide-adapt cycle. Technologies which may be utilized to offer such capabilities embody: energetic sensing, perturbation testing, energetic studying, experimental economics, and causal experiments. STO is fascinated about options and applied sciences that deal with various areas of competitors which have affect for DoD missions. This contains the linkage between the competitors space and the DoD mission, the specified asymmetry, and the applied sciences that may allow the asymmetry. Over the previous three a long time, industrial business has monetized many know-how areas that had been initially the main focus of the DoD. The affect of this has been important and dominant stage of sources for industrial analysis and improvement. STO is trying on the means to leverage these investments for DoD missions. STO is within the potential industrial techniques, elements, manufacturing processes, requirements, and applied sciences that may be leveraged and/or augmented to offer new DoD capabilities for strategic shock.

This RFI seeks responses that deal with a number of features:

1) List of the analysis areas every respondent can deal with to incorporate the relevant bodily domains.

2) Level of expertise with know-how transition and strategies of know-how adoption.

3) Clearance stage of related categorised services.

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