Home Latest Dizzy’s shopping list and McGregor’s breakfast – Friday’s sporting social

Dizzy’s shopping list and McGregor’s breakfast – Friday’s sporting social

Dizzy’s shopping list and McGregor’s breakfast – Friday’s sporting social


Sports stars and clubs across the world continue to provide an insight into their lives on social media.

Here, the PA news agency looks at some of the best examples from September 11.


What’s going on here then?

Dominic Calvert-Lewin is ready.

Michail Antonio is buzzing.

Leeds’ owner is excited.

The Championship has got it all in hand.

Gary Neville mocked his Sky Sports team-mate.

Alexis Sanchez is on the ball.


Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Don’t give up the day job, Jof!

Virat Kohli has an eye for detail.

Ian Bell said thanks, and goodbye.

Straight off holiday and into the commentary box for Stuart Broad.


Conor McGregor set himself up for the day.


Heavyweight champion Tyson Fury was amongst those to pay tributes to those who lost their lives on 9/11 19 years ago.


Canada’s Graham DeLaet resorted to chipping one-handed on the PGA Tour – with pretty good results.


A landmark day for the Bronzed Adonis.

Glen Durrant is ready to rumble in Germany.

MvG has fire in his belly after his early Premier League exit.


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