Home FEATURED NEWS Donald Trump mocks Indian-American VP Kamala Harris’ accent

Donald Trump mocks Indian-American VP Kamala Harris’ accent




Washington, August 25

Taking a jab at Indian-American Vice President Kamala Harris’ accent, saying she “speaks in rhyme”, former US President Donald Trump stated that he doesn’t see her as a presidential candidate for Democrats.

While his Republican rivals engaged in a disagreement on the first presidential major debate in Milwaukee on Wednesday, Trump appeared on former Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson’s present the place he took digs at President Joe Biden and Harris.

When requested in regards to the probabilities of Harris changing into the candidate for Democrats within the subsequent Presidential election, Trump stated that “this is not a president of the United States future”.

“Well, not really… She (Harris) has some bad moments. Her moments are almost as bad as it is. I think his (Biden) is worse, actually. Yeah. She speaks in, in rhyme. And, it’s weird, but she has bad moments,” Trump instructed Carlson.

“Well, the way she talks… the bus will go here and then the bus will go there because that’s what buses do. And it’s weird. The whole thing is weird. This is not a president of the United States future. And, I think they probably have some kind of a primary and other people will get involved,” he stated in a pre-recorded interview, which was posted on X simply minutes earlier than the Republican major debate was aired on Thursday night.

As for Biden, Trump instructed Carlson that he’s “worse mentally than bodily”.

In the previous, Trump’s Republican rival Nikki Haley mocked Biden, saying it is unlikely he’ll “make it until 86 years-old”, including {that a} vote on Biden is a vote on Harris. 

#Donald Trump
#Joe Biden
#Kamala Harris
#United States of America USA

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