Home Latest Donald Trump says plane of ‘thugs’ threatened Republican Convention

Donald Trump says plane of ‘thugs’ threatened Republican Convention

Donald Trump says plane of ‘thugs’ threatened Republican Convention


By: Bloomberg |

Published: September 1, 2020 10:07:47 am

Trump asks SC to let him block critics from his personal Twitter handleTrump made the claim about the plane in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who asked him who he thought was controlling Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

President Donald Trump said Monday in an interview that a plane loaded with “thugs” was headed for the Republican National Convention last week “to do big damage.” He provided few details.

The convention concluded Thursday night with Trump’s nomination acceptance speech on the South Lawn of the White House, and he has complained frequently since then about protesters who accosted audience members as they left. Trump made the claim about the plane in an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who asked him who he thought was controlling Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

“People you’ve never heard of. People that are in the dark shadows,” Trump responded.

Ingraham said his response sounded like a conspiracy theory.

“No, people you haven’t heard of,” Trump continued. “We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They’re on a plane.”

Ingraham asked him where they were coming from.

“I’ll tell you some time but it’s under investigation right now,” Trump said. “But they came from a certain city, and this person was coming to the Republican National Convention and there were like, seven people on the plane like this person, and then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage. They were coming.”

Ingraham asked if they were headed for Washington.

“This was all, this was all happening,” Trump said. Ingraham asked where they were getting their money.

“The money is coming from some very stupid rich people that have no idea that if their thing ever succeeded, which it won’t, they will be thrown to the wolves like you’ve never seen before,” Trump said.

Ingraham soon went to a commercial break, and when the program returned she asked Trump about women voters.

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