Home Latest Dutch researcher sparks hypothesis of sturdy earthquake in Pakistan. Then clarifies

Dutch researcher sparks hypothesis of sturdy earthquake in Pakistan. Then clarifies

Dutch researcher sparks hypothesis of sturdy earthquake in Pakistan. Then clarifies


A social media put up by a Netherlands-based analysis institute has fuelled speculations a few probably sturdy earthquake in Pakistan within the coming days. A researcher at Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) stated that sturdy atmospheric fluctuations had been noticed in components of and close to Pakistan that might be “an indicator of an upcoming stronger tremor”.

The researcher stated that October 1-3 could be “more critical” for the potential main seismic occasion.

While these fluctuations have sparked curiosity and concern amongst some, the Dutch scientist, Frank Hoogerbeets, has urged warning in opposition to leaping to conclusions about potential earthquake predictions.

“On September 30 we recorded atmospheric fluctuations that included parts of and near Pakistan. This is correct,” Hoogerbeets, who previously used planetary alignments to foretell deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, stated in a social media put up on X. “It can be an indicator of an upcoming stronger tremor (as was the case with Morocco). But we cannot say with certainty that it will happen.”

In an earlier put up, the researcher stated that October 1-3 could be “more critical” for the indicator of a significant seismic occasion.

He additionally rejected the rumours of a “big earthquake”, stressing that the indications aren’t any certainty.

“Often when we say that there is the possibility of a stronger earthquake, rumors appear that “there shall be an enormous earthquake.” These rumors are false! There can be indicators, yes. But there is no certainty that it will happen,” he wrote on X.

Amir Haider Laghari, Director on the National Tsunami Centre Karachi, dismissed the speculations, stressing that the time and place of an earthquake can’t be predicted. Laghari stated that an earthquake may happen at any level inside the boundary traces of two main tectonic plates passing by Pakistan and is unimaginable to foretell, reported The Express Tribune.

In February, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) additionally dismissed the scientist’s prediction relating to an earthquake placing India and Pakistan. It added that “neither the USGS nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future”.

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