Home Health DWS distributes health and hygiene materials to substitute water use | Headlines

DWS distributes health and hygiene materials to substitute water use | Headlines

DWS distributes health and hygiene materials to substitute water use | Headlines


As the country’s dam levels continue to drop week-on-week, the Department of Water and Sanitation, through its National Command Centre (NCC) is distributing health and hygiene materials for residents to substitute water use, as a means to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Water and Sanitation spokesperson Sputnik Ratau said the department has in the previous week delivered close to 5 000 hand sanitisers, including 1 100 face masks and 2 300 germ protection bar soaps to various municipalities for further distribution to members of the community.

“We acknowledge that the spread of COVID-19 has increased water use in many households. The distribution of hygiene material is our way of assisting those in need and to increase efforts to use water prudently,” Ratau said.

KZN dam levels on a steady decline

A weekly dam levels report issued by the KwaZulu-Natal Water and Sanitation department has shown a marginal decline of the province’s water levels from last week’s 58.5% to 58% this week.

According to the report, dam levels in the previous year were also above average at 59.5% when compared to a similar period this year.

The Albert Falls dam, one of the biggest dams in the province is at a low 37.0% capacity from 37.8% last week. This time last year, the dam recorded 42.4%.

The Hazelmere Dam on the Mdloti River is at 47.9% this week, from 49.1% in the previous week, while the Pongolapoort Dam in Northern KwaZulu-Natal has this week recorded 41.6% from last week’s 41.9%. In a similar period last year, the Dam recorded 44.3%.

However, the report noted that some dams in the province have recorded an above-average capacity, this includes the Midmar Dam which is at 95.3% from 95.8% last week.

The Inanda and Nagle Dams are at 82.5% and 77.9% respectively. When compared to the previous week, they stood at 83.3% and 77.1%.

(With Inputs from South African Government Press Release)


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