Home Latest Eight massive asteroids, bigger than pyramids, to approach Earth in October-November

Eight massive asteroids, bigger than pyramids, to approach Earth in October-November

Eight massive asteroids, bigger than pyramids, to approach Earth in October-November


Asteroids, like deadlines, may not make a whooshing sound as they go by (Or they do for all we know!) but its nice to see them do a flyby. They are good to observe from a distance. As long as they flying by, no one should have any problem. 

It’s when one of them decides to crash onto Earth is when skyfall (quite literally) occurs. The Earth-shaking (again, literally), groundbreaking (get the drift) catastrophe has potential to either destroy life on Earth or drastically alter make-up of it. Dinosaurs know it all too well. 

Asteroids do not have to be very large to create major mayhem on our blue planet. Due to their high speeds, even a relatively smaller one can pack a big punch due to its huge momentum.

In a few weeks, 8 asteroids bigger than the pyramids of Giza are going to fly past Earth. Just for the record, the Giza pyramids weigh millions of tonnes and these asteroids are bigger than these oversized luxury coffins of ancient Egyptian kings and queens.

Here are the names of the asteroids that will whoosh by Earth in coming weeks. Dates have also been mentioned

October 15 – 2021 SM3

This asteroid has been classified as Near-Earth Object (NEO). It will pass at a distance of 4.8 million kilometres

October 20 – 1996 VB3: 

This one is more massive than the previous one. And it will also come closer to Earth than the last one. This asteroid will pass at a distance of 3.2 million kilometres.

October 25 – 2017 SJ20: 

This one is relatively smaller. It will pass by Earth at a distance of 7.1 million kilometres

November 2 – 2017 TS3:

This one is a big gun with a size ranging from 98 metres to 220 metres. It will clear the Earth at a distance of 5.3 million kilometres.

November 13 – 2004 UE: 

This one is the biggest of them all. And perhaps it’s a good thing that it will keep a distance of 4.2 million kilometres between itself and Earth when it will fly by

November 20 – 2016 JG12:

This one is about 190 metres in diameter. It will come at a distance of 5.5 kilometres from Earth

November 21 – 1982 HR: 

This asteroid is also called 3361 Orpheus. It will clear the Earth by a distance of 5.7 million kilometres.

November 29 – 1994 WR12

This asteroid will fly by Earth at a distance of 6.1 million kilometres


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