Home Health Elderly Woman Fined Over Rs. 1 Lakh For “Importing” Chicken Sandwich

Elderly Woman Fined Over Rs. 1 Lakh For “Importing” Chicken Sandwich

Elderly Woman Fined Over Rs. 1 Lakh For “Importing” Chicken Sandwich


Countries sometimes have complete frameworks in place to manipulate the import and export of meat merchandise. These laws embody numerous elements, together with hygiene requirements, illness management measures, and compliance with worldwide commerce agreements. For instance, the World Trade Organization (WTO) units tips to facilitate the sleek circulate of meat and different agricultural merchandise throughout borders.

Recently, 77-year-old June Armstrong discovered herself fined $3,300 (over Rs 1,78,200) upon arriving in Australia. Reason? She was carrying a hen and lettuce sandwich in her backpack. The incident occurred as she travelled from Christchurch Airport to Brisbane Airport in May. Armstrong had forgotten in regards to the uneaten sandwich she had packed for the journey. She stuffed out a declaration kind, mentioning her prescription remedy however failed to say the sandwich. “I just clearly forgot. I am very forgetful,” she informed the NZ Herald

Armstrong had meant to eat the sandwich throughout the flight however allegedly fell asleep. Upon touchdown, authorities knowledgeable her in regards to the high-quality imposed by customs. They stated, “Twelve points, $3300.” Confused, June Armstrong requested for a proof, to which they repeated the identical, “Twelve points, $3300.” Hoping it was a joke, she questioned in the event that they have been critical, solely to comprehend they weren’t joking. In tears, she exclaimed, ” $3300 for a little sandwich?” 

After the incident, a form airport employees member supplied Armstrong water and a chair. She referred to as her husband to clarify, however her telephone was taken away, with the peace of mind she can be out quickly. Another employees member recommended interesting the high-quality, which she tried throughout the 28-day interval however acquired solely automated responses. “My husband kept saying, ‘Just pay it.’ I said, ‘It’s our pension, we can’t afford this’.”

After paying the high-quality out of their pension, Armstrong emailed authorities asking why she, a first-time offender, acquired such a excessive penalty for a sealed sandwich. A month later, she despatched one other e mail expressing how the high-quality was affecting her life, inflicting sleep points. Armstrong and her husband, who depend on pensions, are feeling the monetary pressure. They even thought-about promoting their caravan.

As per the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry web site, failure to declare items recognized to pose a “high level of biosecurity risk” can lead to an infringement discover with 12 factors, equal to $3756, relying on the assessed danger of the products. 

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