Home Entertainment Entertainment centre redevelopment ‘fast-tracked’

Entertainment centre redevelopment ‘fast-tracked’

Entertainment centre redevelopment ‘fast-tracked’


The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has fast-tracked the development application for a major upgrade of Sutherland Entertainment Centre.

Sutherland Shire mayor Steve Simpson said he and his fellow councillors were delighted by the announcement on Friday, which paves the way for the council to commence work on delivering a vastly improved performing arts space to the local community.

“[The] announcement is an important step towards council delivering a top-class entertainment facility that will really put Sutherland Shire on the map when it comes to attracting and staging high-calibre performances,” councillor Simpson said.

“This clears the way for council to commence work in transforming what is an ageing facility, that is no longer fit for purpose, into an exciting and modern entertainment facility that will deliver real benefit to our performing arts community, local arts lovers and the many community groups who regularly use the centre.

“Through extensive community consultation and drawing on the expertise of an expert design review panel, we are confident that we have the plans in place to deliver an exceptional facility that will draw bigger shows, bigger performers and more theatregoers through the box office than ever before.”

He said a “collaborative approach from councillors, community stakeholders and planning experts” had allowed the project to reach this point, and he looked forward to continuing to “work together to deliver a facility of which the whole community can be proud”.

The new-look centre will include a refurbished theatre with tiered seating for approximately 650 patrons; full fly-tower over the stage to cater for diverse performances; new flexible teaching and rehearsal spaces; a new entry forecourt incorporating a flexible outdoor event space; a larger foyer with enhanced accessibility, including lift access; and improved performer/hirer functionality with enhanced back-of-house area.

Peace Park and the surrounding streets will also be upgraded to improve connectivity and accessibility to the entertainment centre.

“The works will not only directly assist the arts community, which has been heavily impacted by the current COVID-19 restrictions, but they will also provide welcome employment and economic stimulus to the local community,” councillor Simpson said.

He said the redevelopment proposal had the “unanimous support” of councillors, and thanked former mayor Carmelo Pesce “for his work in pushing this project forward”.

Sutherland Shire Council has applied for economic assistance to complete the project as part of the NSW Government’s Infrastructure & Job Acceleration Fund.

Construction is planned to commence before the end of the year, with work expected to be completed by mid-2022.


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