Home Entertainment Entertainment for few at expense of many

Entertainment for few at expense of many

Entertainment for few at expense of many


Entertainment for few at expense of many

Did you know that the general plan budget for the Box Elder County Fair was $27 million? Remember, this is the tax payers money. The Box Elder County Fair loses money every year, even with all the volunteer help.

The County commissioners declared that the fair made money in 2019; over $20,000, but that is questionable when they invested $2 million for the rodeo bleachers, etc. It is going to take many years to pay off that investment.

Brigham City Music Festival is using the Box Elder Fair Rodeo grounds for an upcoming event and when I commented on their Facebook page about how the event was being paid for, my comments were deleted, while those that responded to my comments were permitted to remain. They do not like freedom of speech, the same with the county and city, that is why they removed public comment; just can’t stand to hear someone stand for the truth and the peoples liberty.

The truth is that the fair grounds are paid by the tax payers whether they want to or not. Tyranny of the majority for the entertainment and recreation of a few. Events are also paid for by the Tourism Tax which is another form of tyranny. Our Utah legislature added an additional tax to restaurants and hotels just so the government can collect more of the citizens money and spend it how they want to spend it.

Another way government is getting money to pay for these events is Brigham City took $12,000 from it’s citizens to pay for these summer music concerts. Again, tyranny of the majority for the entertainment and recreation of a few; which the few still have to pay out-of-pocket to attend.

If we want any resemblance of America to remain, we need to speak out and choose not to attend any of these government sponsored events. Since I learned how the Box Elder County Fair was funded, I have not been there in eight years. The last time was when I was collecting signatures regarding maintaining our local polling locations which protect each citizens right to a secret ballot.

Remember, socialism never works no matter how many times it is tried.

DeAnna Hardy

Brigham City


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