Home Entertainment Entertainment Media Is a Branded Content Powerhouse

Entertainment Media Is a Branded Content Powerhouse

Entertainment Media Is a Branded Content Powerhouse


Long before the terms “creator” or “influencer” described social media stars, entertainment media companies were creating content that influenced our culture. For decades, the best entertainment platforms have been delivering the most anticipated cultural moments, the ones we mark on our calendars and recount to each other weeks later.

These powerhouse companies developed the cherished movies and shows that became part of our cultural fabric, and gave us backstage access to the lives of our favorite celebrities and musicians. Before Facebook and Instagram existed, sitcom product placements, glossy fashion magazines and holiday gift recommendations from late-night TV hosts shaped what products we bought and talked about with our friends and family.

And the ubiquity of social media has only increased the number of touch points that technology-savvy brands can have with their audiences. Actually, the increase is exponential — there were 1.1 million monthly interactions between consumers and top U.S. entertainment brands on Facebook from January to August 2021. According to a Global Media Study conducted by Ipsos and commissioned by Facebook, across the globe, 45% of young people in the 18-24 bracket said they want to hear about new products and services from celebrities and influencers. Survey says? Social media is the most effective way to market to audiences in this new digital era.

That means companies looking to connect with prospective customers should consider partnering with entertainment media platforms for branded content campaigns that live on social media. Meeting the audience where it lives can help efficiently drive demand, sales and brand engagement. These branded content programs from the original influencers punch above their weight and can help deliver substantial value for brands, creating campaigns that go beyond just selling products. The internet is an equal opportunity platform that offers everyone the chance to be part of larger conversations, ones that can shift culture and change minds.


Entertainment media companies are a natural bridge between brands and audiences

Entertainment media companies are the logical haven for elevated branded content, because they provide both brands and audiences with the benefits that matter to them. Brands gain pop culture relevance when they’re introduced by an influencer through content that the audience already knows and trusts. From the outset, brands can understand more about an audience’s preferences and characteristics because of its existing affinity for an entertainment media company, which makes it easier to tailor content and product recommendations along the way.

By aligning with entertainment media companies’ most relevant content, advertisers benefit from being introduced to new, highly engaged social audiences who are already primed to receive messaging from those brands they’ve chosen to follow, and whose content they love. As for audiences, whenever branded content is funny and relevant — instead of disruptive or off-putting — it makes for an overall better consumer experience.


Entertainment media companies can leverage existing content

Entertainment media companies already set out to create the kind of content that engages followers on their social pages and keeps fans dialed in. By partnering with brands, entertainment media companies can monetize that original content on platforms like Facebook and Instagram without additional legwork. When posting content on a well-known and loved entertainment brand’s page, there’s obvious benefits like boosted visibility and viewership, and these campaigns also tap into the trust and authority the entertainment brand has established over time.

This is particularly true for video content. According to a recent lift study conducted by Facebook, across Facebook and Instagram, the average video completion rates for entertainment branded content video ads are higher than non-branded content video ads for shorter video lengths (15-30 seconds). With their preexisting collection of video content and access to top talent, including TV show hosts, celebrities and athletes, broadcast companies have a unique opportunity to leverage branded content campaigns. Broadcast companies can also use their own on-camera talent as influencers to boost original video content, driving performance by combining organic programming with paid influencer content strategies.


Partnering with established entertainment platforms helps build brand awareness

Branded content doesn’t just sell products, it helps audiences gain awareness and learn what a company’s values and priorities are. Branded campaigns executed with entertainment partners can drive incremental lift — or take the viewer on a journey from awareness to intent to purchase. In a recent lift study evaluating campaigns run by a sample of mainstream publishers on Facebook and Instagram, branded content partnerships drove lift in key brand and conversion metrics, including ad recall, product awareness and action intent.


Active social media audiences can help spread the word about new brands

As early-stage disruptors and direct-to-consumer brands look for ways to efficiently grow their customer base, engaging qualified audiences who follow well-known entertainment media companies can help them grow without investing heavily in marketing. A sample of studies of branded content partnerships conducted by Facebook found that branded content resulted in a 6.8% lift in new buyers. Branded content can help businesses build credibility and efficiently build brand awareness to reach new customers.

As brands seek to engage new audiences, they should consider branded content partnerships and social media campaigns as part of any marketing mix — especially since entertainment media companies have been coming up with branded content for their audiences since long before the current social media boom. Partnering with these platforms provides benefits to consumers who are looking to discover new brands and products, and to brands, which are looking to get discovered by loyal, far-reaching audiences.


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