Home Entertainment Entertainment premises robbed in Newry

Entertainment premises robbed in Newry

Entertainment premises robbed in Newry


An leisure premises in Newry was robbed within the early hours of Sunday morning.

t was reported {that a} man broke right into a staff-only space of the constructing simply earlier than 2.25am. He advised a feminine member of workers that he had a knife and demanded that she empty the until. He made off on foot with a sum of money. 

A person was arrested shortly afterwards on suspicion of theft. 

Detective Sergeant Johnston stated: “It was reported simply earlier than 2.25am {that a} man pressured entry to a staff-only space in leisure premises within the Margaret Square space, earlier than telling a feminine member of workers that he had a knife and demanding the contents of the until. He left the premises on foot with a sum of money.”

“The suspect was described as being approximately 5′ 7” tall and of medium construct with quick ginger hair and a moustache. He was additionally described as carrying denims and a darkish jacket.”

“A short while later, a person, aged in his thirties, was arrested close by on suspicion of theft. He stays in custody aiding with enquiries.”

Police have requested that anybody with data or video footage contact them by way of 101. 


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