Home Latest Erie Institute of Technology holds open house for high school seniors

Erie Institute of Technology holds open house for high school seniors

Erie Institute of Technology holds open house for high school seniors


People had the chance to tour the Erie Institute of Technology as part of an open house for classes.

The open house allows high school seniors the chance to take a look at all of the programs at the school.

Some of the classes included HVAC, web design, networking database, medical billing and coding.

According to the Director, Paul Fitzgerald, he said that in order to give the students an experience of what a class might be like, he is giving students the opportunity to attend one class.

“We particularly plan open houses at different times of the year and this is our Fall open house, and again high school seniors that are starting their senior year of high school asking what’s next?” said Paul Fitzgerald, Director of Erie Institute of Technology.

The open house started at 10 a.m. and ended at 1 p.m.

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