Home Health Ever Tried Onion-Milk Pasta Sauce? This Unique Recipe Has Left Desi Foodies Disappointed

Ever Tried Onion-Milk Pasta Sauce? This Unique Recipe Has Left Desi Foodies Disappointed

Ever Tried Onion-Milk Pasta Sauce? This Unique Recipe Has Left Desi Foodies Disappointed


Pasta sauce is a key part in one of many world’s most beloved and extensively consumed dishes – pasta. It is a staple meals in lots of cultures, and there are numerous variations of pasta and pasta sauce recipes. Pasta sauces might be completely different attributable to a wide range of components, such because the substances used, the cooking strategies, the regional and cultural influences, and the non-public preferences of the cook dinner. Some frequent sorts of pasta sauces embody tomato-based sauces, cream-based sauces, pesto, and meat-based sauces. Recently, a novel recipe video of an onion-milk pasta sauce has gone viral on the web and it has left desi foodies upset! 

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In a video uploaded by Instagram consumer ‘@recipe.hai’, we are able to see a girl overlaying a chunk of onion with bay leaves and cloves. She then provides this onion piece to a container stuffed with 500 ml of milk. Once it involves a boil, the onion is faraway from the container and the milk is stored apart. Next, she provides oil, butter, veggies and maida to a pan. She now provides the milk combination to this to make a correct base for the white sauce pasta. Finally, she provides the boiled farfalle pasta and offers it a pleasant combine. Check out the total video right here:

Since being uploaded, the video has garnered over 8.2M million views, 306K likes and a whole lot of feedback. Desi foodies weren’t impressed with this distinctive recipe video of white sauce pasta. Some individuals identified that the mixture of onion with milk could cause a number of well being issues, whereas others stated that this was the proper method to make the sauce. Check out among the reactions beneath:

“Yikes, I would never do that.”

“Onion and milk are opposite foods and can cause skin problems.”

“Idk my OCD + Indian vibes says never add onion to milk. I could eat white sauce pasta but could never or would make this recipe by myself. Duh!!”

“The clove-studded, bay leaf-wrapped onion is called a CLOUTÉ and is a classical style of flavouring the milk used in making the BÉCHAMEL SAUCE (also known as a white sauce by most).”

“It’s the traditional way to make the sauce. Millions or billions of people in the world make the sauce the same way. This is the correct way to make the bechamel sauce.”

“Mujhe laga kala jadu sikhayegi (I thought she’ll teach black magic).”

What do you consider this distinctive pasta sauce recipe? Would you strive it? Do tell us within the feedback beneath.

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