Home Latest Everything you need to know about the iOS 14 update

Everything you need to know about the iOS 14 update

Everything you need to know about the iOS 14 update


The next generation of the technology will let users unlock cars without taking their iPhone out of their pocket. It is expected to be available next year.


AirPods are getting an update, too. Apple’s popular wireless earbuds will more seamlessly switch between devices and audio. For example, users can finish an audiobook and then pick up their iPad to watch a TV show. When someone calls, the audio will automatically switch to the call.

The pricier Pro version will now have a new feature called “spatial audio” that aims to replicate a surround sound or movie theater experience.

Translation app

The new Translate app can translate text and audio in 11 different languages, including English, Spanish, French and Mandarin.

The app can translate in real time when two people are speaking different languages to an iPhone.

Watch a video while doing other things

The Picture in Picture feature allows users to keep watching a video or take a FaceTime call while switching to other applications, such as iMessage. Users can move the video around the screen too, or hide it but continue listening to the audio.


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