Home Health Expert food tips for staying healthy in monsoon | The Times of India

Expert food tips for staying healthy in monsoon | The Times of India

Expert food tips for staying healthy in monsoon  | The Times of India


Monsoon brings with it a wave of happiness and respite from the scorching hot weather. The pleasant atmosphere with that familiar earthy smell calls for some great family bonding, especially over food – a plate of piping hot bhajiyas or pakoras with adrak waali cutting chai are synonymous with this season.

Naturally, the season also spurs conversations around immunity-building, but the COVID-19 pandemic has already acquainted people with the importance of that. What is important to remember is that the virus, coupled with the sudden change of season can leave us prone to various infections and diseases; Hence taking care of our health is important. Several factors help to keep the normal functioning of our immune system healthy like good nutrition, regular exercise, good hygiene, decreased stress and adequate rest. Here are some tips which one can adopt to stay healthy at home this monsoon.


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