Home Latest Farmers put money into new extra environment friendly grain drying know-how although the Agricultural Clean Technology program

Farmers put money into new extra environment friendly grain drying know-how although the Agricultural Clean Technology program

Farmers put money into new extra environment friendly grain drying know-how although the Agricultural Clean Technology program


Ottawa introduced funding this week for farmers trying to improve their farming operations to incorporate extra environment friendly grain drying know-how.

Federal Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau introduced $22.2 million for 45 new tasks via the Agricultural Clean Technology program – Adoption Stream.

“This program is meant to on one side invest in research and innovation to develop more energy efficient technologies or any technologies that would help us reduce emissions. But most of the program is subsidies for farmers to have the capacity to afford these technologies, including grain dryers.”

She says this was a request of the sector including they made positive that at the least $50 million out of this system could be directed to grain dryers.

The newest mission to be authorised underneath this system is Geerts Farms Ltd. a 26,000-acre farm at Kamsack (Saskatchewan).

They will obtain as much as $2 million to buy and set up a brand new grain dryer and biomass boiler that’s powered by domestically sourced wooden waste. which eliminates the usage of propane within the drying course of fully.

To date, the Agricultural Clean Technology program – Adoption stream has now supported 99 grain dryer tasks throughout the nation, representing a complete of greater than $37.1 million.

Bibeau says the general objective is to assist farmers undertake these new applied sciences, as they don’t seem to be at all times inexpensive. 

“This investment in more efficient grain drying technology will help to reduce the sector’s greenhouse gas emissions and leverage technology to be more resilient to climate change.”

She factors out they’ve seen good uptake on this system, and appears ahead to opening up a brand new name for proposals later this spring as funding is in place to proceed the Agricultural Clean Technology program.

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