Home Latest Federal Funding Brings Some Relief for Sports and Recreation in NL

Federal Funding Brings Some Relief for Sports and Recreation in NL

Federal Funding Brings Some Relief for Sports and Recreation in NL


The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on just about everything in some way or another, and sports and recreation organizations across the province are no exception.

Troy Croft the Executive Director of SportNL, says it was a tough summer for many organizations, struggling to stay open and keep people employed.

The $2 million in federal funding for sports and recreation organizations announced on Monday, Croft says, will provide plenty of relief to summer sports as well as fall and winter sports coming up.

He says it will hopefully provide more opportunities for additional programming that originally wouldn’t have taken place, and give relief to the clubs and associations that really had to think about whether or not they would offer a full slate of programming or any at all.

Croft explains that for summer sports now wrapping up, they incurred a lot of expenses and additional debt to operate safely. He hopes they will now be able to recover some of those costs, which will help them moving forward in making programming decisions.

As for the difficulties faced amid the pandemic, Croft says some organizations decided not to operate.

He says there are other factors involved, like liability insurance, which was a big topic of conversation throughout the summer, and there is still no liability coverage for sports and rec groups. Croft says that was a deterrent for some.

Financially, he says some organizations could not open their doors.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Swimming NL says the funding will help their clubs tremendously as many have been struggling with lower registration due to COVID-19 regulations in indoor pools.

Corina Hartley says that translates into increased pool fees and this is a way to offset those extra bills swim teams aren’t used to having.

Athletes are also taking a hit when it comes to training and the cancellation of big sporting events like the Olympics and Paralympics.

Hartley says there are two ends of the spectrum.

She says they have their most elite swimmers who have dreams of the Olympics and Paralympics, however, the Olympic trials were postponed. To maintain that level of training, Hartley explains that it’s very difficult with fewer hours in the pool available.

On the other end of the spectrum, she says they also have their young competitive swimmers and they improve much more quickly if in the water for more hours a week.


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