Home Latest Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood among school districts moving fall sports to spring

Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood among school districts moving fall sports to spring

Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood among school districts moving fall sports to spring


“Our primary focus is on getting students safely back into the classroom,” Davis wrote. “I look forward to all of these activities resuming to in-person practices after students physically return to school.”

That sentiment was echoed nearly word for word in Pattonville’s announcement and was similar to Ritenour’s announcement, as well.

Ritenour football coach Kyle Wagner said the shift to spring wasn’t what anyone wanted but conditions related to the coronavirus pandemic made it necessary.

“I think it’s the safe move for our community,” Wagner said. “If the fall goes well then I believe the spring will go well and we can have a season for our seniors.”

Wagner was hired in the spring and has limited physical exposure to his new team. The majority of his interactions with the players has come through Zoom meetings.

Learning the ropes as a first-year head coach is challenging under the best of circumstances, but the pandemic has taken the degree of difficulty to a completely different level.

“I’m lucky, I’ve got some guys I can talk to,” Wagner said. “But even they are in uncharted waters. I keep going back to what’s best for our kids.”

Wagner said the hope of a spring football season is a positive to draw from this unprecedented situation. It’s something to work toward as every day brings new challenges.


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