Home FEATURED NEWS Flyers coming to India can now submit self-declaration form, apply for exemption from institutional quarantine online: DIAL – Times of India

Flyers coming to India can now submit self-declaration form, apply for exemption from institutional quarantine online: DIAL – Times of India

Flyers coming to India can now submit self-declaration form, apply for exemption from institutional quarantine online: DIAL – Times of India


On August 7, DIAL (Delhi International Airport Limited) announced that it has developed AIR SUVIDHA, a portal where India-bound international flyers can fill the mandatory self-declaration form and also apply for exemption from mandatory institutional quarantine process online. Passengers can apply online to seek exemption from the mandatory institutional quarantine under five categories through this portal 72 hours before flight to India.

International passengers will be exempted from institutional quarantine if they fall under any of these five categories:

  • Pregnant women
  • Suffered a death in the family
  • Suffering from serious illness (description to be provided)
  • Parents accompanied by children below 10 years
  • COVID- 19 negative in recent RT-PCR test (within 96 hrs. prior to undertaking the journey as per govt. guideline)

The online forms have been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of External Affairs and Governments of various states. As per the Ministry of Civil Aviation guidelines, this facility will be available for all international passengers arriving in India from August 8.

The DIAL officials say that AIR SUVIDHA will help in making passengers’ journey more convenient and comfortable in a contactless way as they won’t have to fill the physical copies of the forms on arrival. Passengers seeking exemption under the five specific categories will need to fill the e-form available on the website of Delhi Airport. They will have to submit it along with supporting documents, including a copy of their passports. There is no such time capping for passengers filling the self- declaration form.

Videh Kumar Jaipuriar, CEO-DIAL, says, “Having an approved exemption form will not only ease the quarantine process, but also mitigate the problem of inordinate delay while queuing up for quarantine process.”

Usha Padhee, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, says, “This e-platform prepared by DIAL will be used by all airports in the country and help the states and health authorities to fast track the process of clearances for international arrivals. This will further facilitate to scale up the number of flights handled at Indian airports.”

In a statement, DIAL said, “A copy of approval or rejection of exemption requests on specific grounds will be emailed to the passengers. Those who would be given exemption from mandatory institutional quarantine can show the same at the transfer area after landing at their respective airports, and walk out hassle-free. This process would not only help the flyers, but also the authorities in completing the requisite formalities faster, and reduce congestions at the arrival hall of the airports.”

As per the current government mandate, all passengers arriving by international flights in India must undergo seven days institutional quarantine at their own cost, followed by seven days of home quarantine. It is mandatory for international passengers to undergo health screening by APHO (Airport Health Organisation).


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