Home Latest Former aide to President Trump testifies earlier than a grand jury in Florida

Former aide to President Trump testifies earlier than a grand jury in Florida

Former aide to President Trump testifies earlier than a grand jury in Florida


Taylor Budowich, a former aide to former President Donald Trump who now leads the Super PAC, MAGA Inc., testified earlier than a grand jury in Miami on Wednesday as a part of particular counsel Jack Smith’s ongoing probe into the dealing with of categorized paperwork as soon as Trump left workplace.

“Today, in what can only be described as a bogus and deeply troubling effort to use the power of government to “get” Trump, I fulfilled a legal obligation to testify in front a federal grand jury and I answered every question honestly,” Budowich tweeted.

His feedback come amid media experiences of a parade of high-profile witnesses testifying over the previous few weeks earlier than a grand jury in Florida. An legal professional for Mark Meadows, Trump’s former White House chief of workers, declined late Tuesday to substantiate whether or not he has been referred to as to testify.

“Without commenting on whether or not Mr. Meadows has testified before the grand jury or in any other proceeding, Mr. Meadows has maintained a commitment to tell the truth where he has a legal obligation to do so,” George Terwilliger, Meadows’ legal professional advised NPR in a press release.

The obvious ramped up pacing of witness testimony might sign that the particular counsel’s probe is nearing a conclusion.

As particular counsel, Smith can carry this matter earlier than any federal courtroom. It is unclear why a grand jury has been convened in Florida as an alternative of Washington D.C. the place the majority of efforts associated to this matter has historically taken place.

The dispute over data at Mar-a-Lago in Florida exploded into public view in August 2022, when FBI brokers executed a search warrant at the property whereas Trump was out of city. The former president tweeted concerning the search, which set off a weeks-long authorized tug of struggle in Florida and D.C.

Trump has denied any allegations of inappropriate accessing of the categorized materials. No prices have been introduced forth to date by the particular counsel.

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