Home Health Frenchman with pink wristband quarantined at health clinic

Frenchman with pink wristband quarantined at health clinic

Frenchman with pink wristband quarantined at health clinic


LANGKAWI (Bernama): A Frenchman who was spotted with a pink wristband at the Langkawi International Airport on Thursday (Aug 20) has been ordered to undergo quarantine at the Ayer Hangat Health Clinic here.

Langkawi district police chief Supt Mohd Iqbal Ibrahim said on Friday that the order was issued by the Health Ministry.

The Frenchman was sent to the clinic for quarantine and was not allowed to undergo quarantine at his rented house at Pantai Chenang, he said in a statement.

The 64-year-old man was detected wearing the pink wristband on arrival at the airport here from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), where he had undergone screening for Covid-19 upon arriving from Doha, Qatar.

He tested negative for the virus and was allowed to undergo quarantine at his house in Langkawi.

On Sept 1, he is required to present himself at the Kedah Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) before having to go for the second swab test the following day. – Bernama


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