Home Latest ‘From LAC to LoC, our jawans gave befitting replies to ones challenging our sovereignty’: PM Modi

‘From LAC to LoC, our jawans gave befitting replies to ones challenging our sovereignty’: PM Modi

‘From LAC to LoC, our jawans gave befitting replies to ones challenging our sovereignty’: PM Modi


Indian soldiers have given befitting replies to those challenging the sovereignty of the country, whether at the Line of Control or LAC (China border) or Line of Control or LoC (Pakistan border), Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his Independence Day speech on Saturday.

“Those who challenge India’s sovereignty, be it LoC or LAC, have been given a befitting reply in their own language. They have been responded to in the language they understand. India stands committed to defeat forces that aid and abet terrorism & expansionism,” he said.

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He said that with their response to the Chinese transgressions in Ladakh, the entire world has seen what Indian soldiers can do.

“The entire country is moving forward with josh, inspired with a resolve and a belief in its capabilities,” the prime minister said.

On the eve of the Independence Day on Friday, President Ram Nath Kovind had also sent out a clear warning that India is “capable of giving a befitting response to any attempt of aggression” as he addressed the nation.

Though Kovind did not name China, he slammed the neighbour’s “misadventure of expansion” at a time when the world needs to come together to fight against Covid-19, which he described as the “the greatest challenge before humanity”.

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“The world now realises what our sages had said long ago: the global community is but one family; “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam”. However, even while the world community needs to fight together against the greatest challenge before humanity, some in our neighbourhood tried to carry out their misadventure of expansion,” Kovind said.

The bloody conflict in the Galwan valley on June 15 left 20 Indian and an unspecified number of Chinese soldiers dead. Since then, the two sides are locked in discussions to disengage and de-escalate but China has so far not moved back from some critical areas despite five rounds of top-level military talks between the two sides.


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