Home Latest From sports activities to songs and artwork, Williamstown teen does all of it

From sports activities to songs and artwork, Williamstown teen does all of it

From sports activities to songs and artwork, Williamstown teen does all of it


(Photo Provided) Jordyn Gains performs as a member of the Williamstown Middle School Choir

WILLIAMSTOWN — Williamstown Middle School eighth grader Jordyn Gains is a multi-talented teenager, excelling in lecturers, music, and sports activities.

Gains has a 4.0 GPA and is taking two highschool stage programs: Algebra 1 and Spanish 1.

“I’ve always liked math and like a challenge with math,” she stated.

“Spanish I’ve always liked the language and I use it when we go on vacations to Mexico.”

She can also be taking social research, English, and science. Social research is her favourite.

(Photo Provided) Jordyn Gains smiles with a observe hurdle throughout a current observe meet.

“I’ve always liked history and find it fascinating,” she stated.

Her favourite trainer is her sixth grade social research trainer, Robert Wade.

“He always interacted with the class. He made things interesting and understandable to our age,” she stated.

Gains can also be a musician each in courses and as a interest. In January 2023, she participated within the West Virginia American Choral Directors Association Middle School Honor Choir as a seventh grader.

“You have to audition. Then you go to Morgantown and participate. I met students all across the state,” she stated.

(Photo Provided) Jordyn Gains performs the clarinet throughout a current live performance band efficiency at Williamstown Middle/High School

Gains stated she loved assembly fellow choir college students.

“It was a fun way to find new people who like the same thing as you,” she stated.

Gains stated her favourite tune from that weekend was referred to as The Zip Zop Song. Composer Sherry Blevins gave the tune to the honour choir as a world premiere.

“We were the first choir ever to sing the song. We used body percussion. It was fun to sing and do the body percussion at the same time,” she stated.

Gains performs the clarinet in live performance band and has performed since fifth grade.

(Photo Provided) Jordyn Gains shoots a layup throughout basketball follow.

“It’s a different way to explore your life. You connect with your instrument and the other people doing the same thing,” she stated.

Gains stated she performs the piano and sings in her spare time. She has performed the piano since she was 10 years outdated.

“It’s a nice way to relax. It’s a hobby more than anything,” she stated.

Gains participates in three sports activities: volleyball, basketball, and observe. She stated she enjoys all three, however volleyball is her favourite.

“It’s a mental game. You always have to be ready,” she stated.

(Photo Provided) Jordyn Gains jumps as much as hit the ball throughout a current volleyball match.

Williamstown Middle Volleyball crew is back-to-back Wood County champions. They had been simply topped champions on Oct. 24.

“We learn to work together as a team, not as just one player,” Gains stated of their success.

Gains stated her favourite sports-related reminiscence is the 2022 county championship and the way Williamstown received.

“We lost the first game and went to the loser’s bracket,” she stated.

“We worked our way to win the county championship,” she stated. “It taught me that if you try, you can accomplish a lot.”

(Photo Provided) A drawing by Jordyn Gains was featured within the annual Wood Whisperers journal. She stated she likes to attract for a interest.

Gains began enjoying volleyball in youth camps at age 8. She has been enjoying basketball since age 5.

Overall, Gains stated sports activities has had a constructive impression on her life.

“It keeps my head up,” she stated. “If I can keep my head up during a volleyball game or basketball game, I can keep my head up in life, too.”

She added that she has made a number of pals alongside the way in which and that provides enjoyment.

Kristen Hainkel could be reached at khainkel@newsandsentinel.com

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