Home Health GD Goenka University and Fortis Mental Health Programme collectively hosts ‘VARTAH’ summit; pioneering optimistic psychological well being tradition in training

GD Goenka University and Fortis Mental Health Programme collectively hosts ‘VARTAH’ summit; pioneering optimistic psychological well being tradition in training

GD Goenka University and Fortis Mental Health Programme collectively hosts ‘VARTAH’ summit; pioneering optimistic psychological well being tradition in training


GD Goenka University, in partnership with the Fortis Mental Health Programme has not too long ago organised an occasion named ‘VARTAH: Values – Awareness – Reform – Thrive – Action – Hope.’ The summit was centered on managing threat behaviour for college kids, it gathered faculty counsellors from all corners of the nation. VARTAH, being a national-level faculty counsellors summit, had a transparent goal of fostering a optimistic psychological well being tradition inside instructional methods, based on an official launch. 

It is believed that it has supplied a platform for college counsellors and educators to return collectively and have interaction in significant conversations, with a major concentrate on creating consciousness, implementing reforms and taking motion to boost the well-being of kids and adolescents, the discharge talked about.

“Empowering children in their formative years with skills for life that help them navigate through ups and downs with confidence, self-belief and resilience is essential, that takes them on their individual paths of success, are able to have meaningful relationships and contribute to the society. A focus on mental health and well-being as an integral part of education is critical to ensure positive overall growth,” Dr. Samir Parikh, chairperson, Fortis National Mental Health Programme, mentioned. 

The occasion showcased shows delivered by audio system from establishments resembling King’s University Canada, James Cook University, Singapore and several other consultants within the area of worldwide training. The classes had been centred round figuring out dangers and providing sensible options to handle prevailing points and challenges in little one and adolescent psychological well being. Moreover, the occasion offered real-life examples of how these points are successfully managed throughout various geographical and cultural settings worldwide, as per the discharge.

“VARTAH shall focus on de-stigmatising mental illness and enabling counsellors with skills required for helping adolescents in vulnerable environments. This shall be an extension of the University’s focus on propagating mental well-being and integrating psychological health into mainstream education. The event brings together mental health experts, school counsellors and teachers creating opportunities for dialogue around action required for propagating psychological well-being of the youth,” Anjali Midha Sharan, dean, R&D, School of Humanities, Social Science and Education, GD Goenka University, mentioned.

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