Home Latest Geopolitics of Information Technology; Where does India Stand?

Geopolitics of Information Technology; Where does India Stand?

Geopolitics of Information Technology; Where does India Stand?


To achieve a balanced perspective of the place India stands within the Information Technology (IT) race at present, it’s thought of important to recount key components which embody; Software Technology State, World Trade Agreement constraints after 1997, semiconductors – life blood of IT trade; superfast computer systems; private computer systems, Laptops and pill market.

Opportunities & Challenges

The IT trade affords alternatives and likewise challenges. The world market dimension of IT providers and e-commerce sector was $3,938.75 billion in 2022. India’s share is barely over $227 billion. The world “Chips” trade is more likely to develop practically US $600 billion by the top of 2022. Similarly, the worldwide “Chips” trade is more likely to develop practically US$600 billion by the top of 2022. On paper, it’s deliberate to develop at a compounded annual charge of 19 per cent to $300 billion by 2026, which seems too bold. Also, the worldwide computer systems market grew from $369.94 billion in 2021 to $416.79 billion in 2022. India accounts for a fraction of that at round $11 billion. There is a clearly a must launch daring initiatives and incentives.

Where all of it started

IT origins are traced to Aristotle (384 to 325 BC) whose ideas of concepts impressed Leibniz’s dream of a “universal language” that subsequently led to the emergence of mathematical logic. This was pioneered by George Boole and Gotlob Frege within the nineteenth century. However, the IT revolution wouldn’t have been attainable with out the invention of “Zero”. The first recorded zero appeared in Mesopotamia round 3 B.C. India didn’t lag behind. Between 300 and 200 BC, Pingala was the primary who used ‘shunya’ for zero as a Sanskrit phrase and developed the binary quantity system that could be a place-value system. Aryabhata (476-550 AD) invented the quantity “0” as a placeholder and in algorithms for locating sq. roots and dice roots. Later in AD 628, Brahmagupta outlined zero for the primary time and developed a logo for it which is a dot beneath the numbers. The creation of the zero led to algebra and calculus that kind the premise for computer systems and IT.

“Technology for me is to discover, learn, evolve and implement. It combines 3Ss- speed, simplicity and service. Technology is fast, technology is simple and technology is a brilliant way to serve people. It is also a great teacher. The more we learn about technology and the more we learn through technology, the better it is.”
– Narendra Modi, Prime Minister

In Thirties, the evolution of laptop science from mathematical logic culminated with two landmark papers: Claude Shannon’s “A Symbolic Analysis of Switching and Relay Circuits,” and Alan Turing’s “On Computable Numbers, With an Application to the Entscheidungs problem.” The major reference was a 90-year-old work of mathematical philosophy, George Boole’s “The Laws of Thought.” Many programming languages are referred to as Boolean. Turing’s paper outlined the template for laptop design. Shannon’s adviser, Vannevar Bush, constructed a prototype laptop often known as the Differential Analyser that quickly calculated differential equations.

At the daybreak of 1947, the transistor was invented at Bell Labs, Transistors dramatically improved variations of Shannon’s electrical relays — the very best recognized method to bodily encode Boolean operations. IBM loved absolute monopoly from 1950 to 1977 to promote and keep computer systems. IBM bought the primary few computer systems to India: in 1956 a CDC 3600 to Indian Statistical Institute (ISI); in 1964, CDC laptop to Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; in 1965 an IBM 1620 and in 1966 and IBM 7044 to IIT Kanpur. Thereafter, TATA began TCS with 3 computer systems bought from IBM.

Software Growth in India

IBM determined to exit India in 1977 in protest in opposition to new FERA and FEMA laws. Meanwhile, the Department of Electronics (DOE) included ‘Computer Management Corporation Private Limited’ (CMC) in December 1975. CMC’s function was to take care of computer systems handed over by IBM. CMC was transformed in August 1977 right into a public restricted firm wholly owned by the Government of India. The success story of the CMC, which ventured into writing software program and gained the contract to construct the Indian Railways reservation system, created a optimistic notion about computer systems and served as a mannequin for banks and Air India automation initiatives. Thereafter, in 2001, the CMC was divested to the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and privatised. Meanwhile in 1977, (NCSDCT) National Centre for Software Development and Computing Techniques, was carved out from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), which was first to show Wide Area Network when it linked computer systems at TIFR and VJIT Mumbai utilizing Bombay Telephone strains. Later the Department of Electronics (DoE) commissioned ERNET (Education and Research Network) modelled on ARPANET to attach 5 IITs, IISc Bangalore, NCSDCT and DoE.

India’s technique to lure overseas corporations

India’s IT service trade is at present once more on the crossroads. Many low value locations have emerged within the Philippines and South East Asia. Anti-outsourcing wave has swept by way of the UK and the US. The Indian IT trade can be dealing with harder visa norms and hiring domestically. There can also be a shift in world demand in IT providers. In an period of cloud computing there gained’t be conventional improvement and upkeep jobs. Many low finish jobs will get automated and the IT trade should transfer up the worth chain to proceed delivering worth to their clients.

In 1997, India grew to become a signatory to the World Trade Organisation’s IT Agreement accepting the situations of “no duty on software, semiconductors, semiconductor manufacturing and testing equipment, computers, telecom equipment, scientific instruments, as well as most of the parts and accessories of these products”. Consequently, India didn’t consolidate and advance the “Hardware” trade, significantly the semiconductor chips trade, that was booming and the lifeblood of manufacturing within the ongoing data age. China has set an bold goal of manufacturing 70 per cent of its chip wants in-house by 2025 — assuming a $220 billion consumption, that’s round $150 billion. The Chinese plan is to change into self-sufficient in crucial applied sciences by 2025 as a result of American sanctions depriving it overseas imports. India’s semiconductor market, pegged at $119 billion in 2021, will develop at a compounded annual charge of 19 per cent to $300 billion by 2026. New Delhi’s technique is twofold — lure in overseas corporations and construct on areas the place India has a bonus, comparable to chip design.

Supercomputers, Laptops and Smartphones

Next, the place does India stand within the “Top 500 Superfast Computers” rating? The No. 1 spot is now held by the “Frontier system” within the US surpassing the 1 exaflop barrier – the primary exascale strongest supercomputer to ever exist. By comparability with traits like R/Peak and R/Max T/Flops, Indian superfast computer systems within the Top 500 List additional pale into insignificance. As of November 2022, India stands collectively with three different nations at thirteenth place with 4 Superfast computer systems, which in complete numbers of superfast computer systems is woefully insignificant examine to China with 173, the US with 149, Japan with 32, Germany with 26, France with 19 and Canada and the UK with every.

In 1970, the Govt created Department of Electronics (DoE) to control electronics trade. One of the mandates of DoE was to construct indigenous computer systems. DoE additionally launched license raj within the electronics trade leading to ‘stunted’ development of {hardware}. In 1971, the Government didn’t approve Delhi Cotton Mill (DCM) proposal to collaborate with Japanese large Sony to construct calculators. However, DCM constructed the primary indigenous calculator in 1972. In 1975 DCM launched India’s first microprocessor.

National Supercomputing Mission

In 2015, the launch of the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) boosted the tempo of Indian supercomputers. NSM introduced a seven-year programme value Rs 4,500 crore to put in 73 indigenous supercomputers by 2022. However, as of May 2022, there are 15 superfast computer systems solely in India. Of them, 4 are within the Top 500 Global Ranking listing to incorporate: PARAM Ananta (Global Ranking 102) developed below the NSCM by C-DAC and IIT Gandhinagar, that has solely a peak efficiency of three.3 Petaflops; 111 – PARAM Siddhi-AI at C-DAC (R/Peak – 5,267.1); 132 – Pratyush (Cray XC40) at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune (R/Peak – 5,267.1) and at 249 place – Mihir (Cray XC40) on the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, Noida, (R/Peak – 2,808.7). Add to the 4, there are different supercomputers at present in India to incorporate: PARAM Shivay at IIT, BHU; PARAM Shakti at IIT-Kharagpur; PARAM Brahma at IISER Pune; PARAM Yukti at JNCASR, Bengaluru; PARAM Sanganak at IIT Kanpur; PARAM-ISHAN at IIT Guwahati; and PARAM Pravega on the IISc, Bengaluru and so forth.

In 2020 the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme was launched. The outlay for cell phone PLI is Rs 40,951 crore over 5 years, with incentives ranging between 4-6% yearly. The Government’s technique, mixed with an enormous home market, helped India to change into the world’s 2nd-biggest cell phone producer after China.

In 2021, the PLI scheme, value Rs 7,350 crore was launched to spice up native manufacturing and exports of IT merchandise for laptops, tablets, all-in-one private computer systems and servers with a view to chop imports, particularly from China. In the primary 12 months (FY22) {hardware} manufacturing is Rs 2,000 crore solely. And, the outcomes have been lackluster. Only 4 of the 14 eligible gamers below the scheme within the first 12 months of operations have succeeded in assembly their manufacturing targets and can obtain incentives. Only 18 per cent of all PCs bought in India at the moment are manufactured domestically.

Currently, the 4th Industrial Revolution is sweeping, often known as the Information Age or Imagination Age or because the Computer Age or Digital or Silicon Age and New Media Age, starting within the mid- twentieth Century. And, there’s paradigm shift from conventional trade to an economic system based totally upon IT and, the pattern in the direction of automation and knowledge trade in manufacturing applied sciences and processes which embody cyber-physical programs, IoT, industrial web of issues, cloud computing, cognitive computing, and synthetic intelligence that gives large alternatives to take advantage of.

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