Home Latest Germany investigates the doable Russian eavesdropping of a navy convention name

Germany investigates the doable Russian eavesdropping of a navy convention name

Germany investigates the doable Russian eavesdropping of a navy convention name


A Ukrainian soldier stands in entrance of a Marder infantry combating automobile on the German forces Bundeswehr coaching space in Munster, Germany, on Feb. 20, 2023.

Gregor Fischer/AP

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Gregor Fischer/AP

A Ukrainian soldier stands in entrance of a Marder infantry combating automobile on the German forces Bundeswehr coaching space in Munster, Germany, on Feb. 20, 2023.

Gregor Fischer/AP

Germany says it is launching an investigation after Russia reportedly eavesdropped on a video convention name of German navy officers discussing the battle in Ukraine.

The German officers had been reportedly speaking about sending weapons to Ukraine and a possible strike by Ukrainian navy forces towards a bridge in Crimea, the peninsula illegally annexed by Russia in 2014.

A Russian state TV journalist leaked audio on Friday purporting to be from the video convention in a post on the social media website Telegram.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was touring in Rome, advised reporters on Saturday that the incident was “very serious.”

According to a German protection ministry spokesperson, the federal workplace for navy counterintelligence was investigating an obvious case of eavesdropping and famous that the recording could have been altered.

The name was held on the net video conferencing platform WebEx, and never on a secret inner military community, the German information website Der Spiegel reported.

In the recording, German officers reportedly focus on navy targets, together with a key bridge linking the Russian mainland to Crimea, in addition to the doable supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Kyiv.

Germany has provided an array of weapons and navy tools to Ukraine throughout its ongoing battle with Russia, together with tanks, missiles and artillery.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Telegram that Germany owes Russia an evidence concerning the dialogue of navy operations in Crimea.

“Official Berlin is obliged to provide them promptly,” Zakharova mentioned. “Attempts to avoid answering questions will be considered an admission of guilt.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov mentioned the recording demonstrated the “cunning plans” of the German armed forces and referred to as the leak “blatant self-exposure,” Reuters reported.

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