Home Latest Get set to give 25-30 lakh Covid-19 shots each day in UP: Yogi

Get set to give 25-30 lakh Covid-19 shots each day in UP: Yogi

Get set to give 25-30 lakh Covid-19 shots each day in UP: Yogi


Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday asked the state health machinery to gear up to give 25-30 lakh shots daily of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine, in the next two months

Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday asked the state health machinery to gear up to give 25-30 lakh shots daily of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine, in the next two months.

“In the next two months, the state government targets to administer 25-30 lakh vaccine doses daily. The additional chief secretary (health) should prepare and speed up arrangements by talking to all the CMOs (chief medical officers) in all the districts,” Yogi said, according to a statement issued by the state information department.

He said that till Friday, the state had given 13.28 crore shots of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine while 3.37 crore people have got both doses of the vaccine. Of the targeted age group for the vaccine, 67.18 % population have got at least one dose of it while 22.9% have got both shots.

At the Covid-19 review meeting at his residence, Yogi also said that only seven fresh cases of Covid-19 were reported in the last 24 hours in the state while the total active cases in the state were 83.

Zika virus

Regarding Zika virus in Kanpur, Yogi said that the cases were rising fast in Kanpur and under the circumstances, special alertness was required. At the same time, testing for dengue needed to be stepped up.

“Keep a constant vigil on the condition of patients, conduct surveillance, and for prevention, engage in widespread cleanliness and sanitisation”, he said.

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