Home Health GF News Forward: Grand Forks superintendent stresses health in schools, Midway Public School begins instruction, UND enrollment up | Grand Forks Herald

GF News Forward: Grand Forks superintendent stresses health in schools, Midway Public School begins instruction, UND enrollment up | Grand Forks Herald

GF News Forward: Grand Forks superintendent stresses health in schools, Midway Public School begins instruction, UND enrollment up | Grand Forks Herald


Journalist Pamela Knudson reports on a question-and-answer session conducted by Herald publisher Korrie Wenzel with Grand Forks Superintendent Terry Brenner. The superintendent said the first week of school this year will feature a heavy emphasis, not on the three Rs — reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmatic — but on social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing.

“This new routine — washing hands, not touching your face, keeping your mask on most of the time when social distancing can’t be maintained — we’re going to hit that hard the first week of school,” Brenner said.

Regional reporter Ann Bailey visits Midway Public School as it opens doors for its first day of school in nearly six months. Bailey will find out what is changed and what will remain constant.

According to reporting by community editor Sydney Mook, UND has defied many expectations and is seeing its enrollment up more than 4% despite the ongoing pandemic. Will those numbers sustain through the COVID-19 surge on campus? Mook will delve into the numbers.

Look for these stories online and in print on Thursday and into the weekend.


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