Home Latest Giant swarm of flying ants spotted from space over Britain

Giant swarm of flying ants spotted from space over Britain

Giant swarm of flying ants spotted from space over Britain


A massive 50-mile-wide swarm of flying ants was spotted from space over the United Kingdom.

The Met Office’s weather radar picked up by the enormous cloud of insects over Kent and Sussex, on England’s southeast coast.

Smaller swarms could be seen over London, according to the the weather service said.

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Along side a tweet a video was released by the Met Office saying: “It’s not raining in London, Kent or Sussex, but our radar says otherwise…

“The radar is actually picking up a swarm of #flyingants across the southeast.

“During the summer ants can take to the skies in a mass emergence usually on warm, humid and windless days #flyingantday’.”


A spokesman for the Met Office said there were likely to be “thousands” of ants within the swarm.



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