Home Health Global Online Training Demystifying knowledge on public well being and setting for communication and motion

Global Online Training Demystifying knowledge on public well being and setting for communication and motion

Global Online Training Demystifying knowledge on public well being and setting for communication and motion


DATES: Jan 31 to Feb 14, 2023
DURATION: 15 hours
PLATFORMS: Zoom and Moodle

(Includes particular session on the highest threats to well being and growth in 2023: Climate change, air air pollution and antimicrobial resistance)

“The impact of ‘silent pandemic’ of antimicrobial resistance can be as catastrophic as that of COVID-19 or climate change, and the faster we realise that and get our act together, the better it would be – especially even as the world faces a new onslaught from another variant of the virus.

There is drama in numbers, especially when these numbers give you a trend—are things getting better or worse. It is even more powerful when you can use the trend to understand the crisis, the challenge and the opportunity; and take appropriate actions.”
Sunita Narain, Director General, Centre for Science and Environment

2022 was a devastating yr for world well being. The yr started with largest world surge in COVID-19 instances because the begin of the pandemic, spurred by unfold of the Omicron variant. In 2023 regardless of rising instances, the main target in world well being must be past COVID-19.

Climate change, air air pollution and antimicrobial resistance shall be amongst high threats to public well being and the SDGs too. But the motion to deal with dangers to human well being as a consequence of deteriorating setting will not be occurring on the scale and urgency wanted.

This is clearly seen within the knowledge that’s rising yearly. If recognized, understood and visualised effectively, knowledge can change into an efficient foundation for actions to deal with the hyperlink between well being and setting.

Data isn’t just numbers. It is essential for analysis communication, advocacy and decision-making.

So, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), South Asia’s main suppose tank, invitations you to affix its Global Online Training Programme on learn how to use knowledge for speaking the well being disaster.

In this course, individuals will study the linkages between seemingly distinct however associated ideas of well being, setting and the SDGs. By the top of the course, individuals will be capable of analyse the information on these ideas and put together impactful tales, dashboards and communication collaterals for various stakeholders to set off motion. 

What will you study?

  • State of well being and setting: Understand the dangers to public well being with deal with local weather change, air air pollution and antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Understand important ideas and the hyperlink between well being and 12 SDGs
  • Data assortment: Learn how and the place to analysis for related knowledge on well being, environmental dangers and the SDGs
  • Data evaluation: Develop abilities to analyse and interpret tendencies on well being and impacts on the SDGs in your area (continent, nation, state) 
  • Data visualisation: Learn to visualise knowledge for efficient communication.
  • Report writing: Develop abilities to course of, visualise and rework well being and SDGs knowledge into easy, compelling and informative ‘stories’ for print and internet 

Who can attend?

  • Professionals, authorities officers and policymakers engaged on well being and setting
  • Academia: Faculty and researchers, and college students related to well being and sustainable growth
  • Researchers and writers on well being and growth
  • National and worldwide civil society teams, NGOs, well being activists and advocates
  • Industries: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)/CSR officers, Public relations/Communication officers
  • Data managers and statisticians enthusiastic about bettering communication abilities
  • Anyone else within the topic            

Course construction

The self-paced on-line programme could have video lectures, shows, tutorials, quizzes and assignments. Participants may also get a chance to work on an in-depth venture of their selection. The programme may also have three reside interactive periods for assembly the trainers and fellow individuals.

The programme has been designed in such a approach that it may be accomplished together with an everyday job or examine. 

The course is damaged down into 5 modules: 

Module 1: Introduction to local weather change: science, politics and impacts 
Module 2: Data for efficient communication and knowledgeable choice making on local weather change for growth – The World in my Backyard
Module 3: Finding the precise knowledge on local weather
Module 4: Data processing and evaluation to make knowledge significant 
Module 5: Data visualisation 


Kiran Pandey
Programme director
Information Management, CSE
Email: kiran@cseindia.org
Phone: +91-9871215338 


Susan Chacko
Information Management, CSE
Email: susan@cseindia.org
Phone: +91-9958387577



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