Home Latest Government’s new Covid rules on sports, clubs and spectators

Government’s new Covid rules on sports, clubs and spectators

Government’s new Covid rules on sports, clubs and spectators


THE Government has spelled out what activities sportsmen and women can carry on doing during the latest steps to tackle the resurgence of Covid-19.

From tomorrow, Tuesday, tighter restrictions are being brought in to cover Warrington, Halton, St Helens, Merseyside and parts of Lancashire.

There are new measures across a wide range of social and leisure activities – but organised and licensed sports can continue as long as certain conditions are met and that they are not in private homes or gardens.

However, the Government have advised spectators not to attend amateur or professional sporting events as a spectator in areas affected badly by Covid.

A document published today states: “You can continue to take part in organised sporting or licensed physical activity in groups of more than six.

“This can be in any public place – indoors or outdoors – but not in a private outdoor space like a garden or inside a private home.

“These activities either need to be organised by a national governing body, club, registered instructor/coach, business or charity, and/or involve someone who has received an official licence to use equipment relevant to the activity. In all cases, the organiser must conduct a risk assessment and ensure compliance with COVID-19 secure guidance.

“You should only be playing team sports where the relevant governing body has published guidance on how to do so safely.

“For all other sports, guidance is available from your governing body and details on how to safely undertake this activity within an organised environment.

“Organised dance and exercise classes can take place in groups of more than six, where a risk assessment has been carried out, but you should limit your social interaction with other participants.

“The relevant indoor sport facilities guidance or outdoor guidance must be followed for these activities.

“Organised sport and physical activity events are allowed provided they follow guidance for the public on the phased return of outdoor sport and recreation in England.

“From 22 September and for all areas affected, we advise that you should not attend amateur or professional sporting events as a spectator in the areas affected.

“If you do attend, you must remain socially distanced and groups of no more than six.”


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