Home Latest Governor Whitmer signs executive order clarifying face covering requirements for organized sports

Governor Whitmer signs executive order clarifying face covering requirements for organized sports

Governor Whitmer signs executive order clarifying face covering requirements for organized sports


LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – On Wednesday, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-180. This order clarifies the rules on face coverings for organized sports during training, practice, and competition.

“The COVID-19 virus is easily spread through airborne particles and can affect everyone differently. By wearing a face covering when proper distancing is not possible, athletes will be better protected from contracting the virus and spreading it to family members, frontline workers, and vulnerable populations,” said Governor Whitmer. “We cannot afford to let our guard down. As we continue to fight this virus, we need to make smart and informed choices so we can beat COVID-19 together.”

The new executive order specifies that a face covering must be worn at all times by athletes training for, practicing for, or competing in an organized sport when the athlete cannot maintain 6 feet of social distance. Exceptions are during occasional and fleeting moments.

Athletes are not required to wear a face covering if they are swimming. Athletes competing in football, soccer, or volleyball. For example, athletes who are not able to maintain 6 feet of social distance as required would need to wear a facial covering.

“We are not out of the woods yet, and COVID-19 is still a persistent threat to our frontline workers, students, and families,” said Chief Medical Executive and MDHHS Chief Deputy for Health Dr. Joneigh Khaldun. “Individuals have a choice about whether or not to play organized sports. Since contact sports pose a high risk of transmitting COVID-19, MDHHS recommends that people should choose to avoid them. For those who do choose to play organized sports, we expect you to follow these strict safety measures and wear a face covering to reduce your risk and protect the health of your teammates, coaches, officials, and loved ones.”

Last week, the governor signed Executive Order 2020-176 reopening Michigan’s gyms and pools in those regions where they remain closed. In turn, this allowed for organized sports practices and competitions to resume in those regions where they remain restricted, subject to strict protections meant to limit spread of the virus. The governor also signed Executive Order 2020-175 outlining strict workplace safety measures that gyms and pools must follow.

To view Executive Order 2020-180, click here.

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