Home World Govt releases FAQs on coronavirus, says rapidly evolving situation

Govt releases FAQs on coronavirus, says rapidly evolving situation

Govt releases FAQs on coronavirus, says rapidly evolving situation

The government on Thursday released frequently asked questions (FAQs) and useful information on coronavirus that has claimed 170 lives so far. The virus has infected more than 7700 people and is spreading rapidly.

In a series of tweets on Thursday, the government released information about the virus and how to control its spread.

What are the initial symptoms of Novel Coronavirus?

The government says that symptoms reported for patients with 2019-#nCoV include acute onset of fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing. 

How does the virus spread?

The specific modes of transmission of the virus are not clear yet since it is a novel virus. It probably emerged from an animal source but now seems to be spreading from person-to-person, said the government.

What are the initial symptoms of Novel Coronavirus?

Current symptoms reported for patients with 2019-#nCoV include acute onset of fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing.

Read more #FAQ‘s on #coronarvirus (1/n)https://pibindia.wordpress.com/2020/01/30/faqs-on-novel-coronavirus/ …FAQs on Novel CoronavirusQ) What is 2019 Novel Coronavirus? Ans- 2019 Novel Coronavirus, or 2019-nCoV, is a new virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It is named novel as it has not been previously identi…pibindia.wordpress.com

Is it safe to travel to #Wuhan, China or other countries where #coronarvirus cases have occurred?

The government has asked citizens to avoid all non-essential travel to China. “If the travel is unavoidable- At all times follow the simple public health measures,” it further says listing the precautions to be taken and where to report about the symptoms.

How does the virus spread?
The specific modes of transmission of the virus are not clear yet since it is a novel virus. It probably emerged from an animal source but now seems to be spreading from person-to-person.

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PIB India@PIB_India

Is it safe to travel to #Wuhan, #China or other countries where #coronarvirus cases have occurred?
All nonessential travel is to be avoided
If the travel is unavoidable- At all times follow the simple public health measures (3/3)

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More than 160 deaths have been reported from the central Chinese province of Hubei and its capital, Wuhan, which is at the epicentre of the deadly and rapidly spreading outbreak.

China’s national health commission (NHC) said Thursday that at least 1,370 are critically ill with the infection and there are 12,167 suspected to have been infected with the previously unknown virus.

Beijing is reported to have at least 111 confirmed cases and the number has also crossed 100 in the financial capital, Shanghai.

The virus has now spread to at least 16 countries globally. tags


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