Home Latest Has Putin obtained the higher hand in Ukraine? – podcast

Has Putin obtained the higher hand in Ukraine? – podcast

Has Putin obtained the higher hand in Ukraine? – podcast


This summer season, hopes have been excessive that Ukraine may use western weapons to say again large cities, liberate a whole bunch of miles of territory and perhaps even reduce off Russian forces contained in the nation. That has not occurred.

Instead the conflict’s progress has slowed to an agonising tempo. Drones imply each side have spectacular intelligence of what their enemies are doing and breakthroughs are arduous to come back by. And the world’s consideration being on the Middle East is a harmful scenario for Ukraine – will it lose the monetary help of its western backers, such because the US?

The potential re-election of Donald Trump, who’s considered even much less eager on financing Ukrainian efforts, is looming. But, Luke Harding tells Michael Safi, morale remains to be surprisingly excessive in Ukraine. And counting them out now could be a mistake.

Ukrainian servicemen inspect the former position of Russian troops, in the Zaporizhzhia area. Kateryna Klockho/EPA

Photograph: Kateryna Klochko/EPA

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