Home Health Healthy Snacks: 4 Baked Munchies For Mid-Meal Hunger Pangs

Healthy Snacks: 4 Baked Munchies For Mid-Meal Hunger Pangs

Healthy Snacks: 4 Baked Munchies For Mid-Meal Hunger Pangs


These healthy baked snacks can be had sans guilt.


  • Hunger pangs can strike at any time during the day
  • These baked snacks can make for a fulfilling mid-meal binge
  • Try these delicious recipes at home to satiate food cravings

We have often heard the saying that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day, followed by the other meals in descending order. But why didn’t anyone tell us about the cravings that strike in the duration between meals? Even the healthiest amongst us succumb to hunger pangs in between meals. Thus, whether we like it or not, we finally end up snacking on unhealthy junk. We have the perfect solution to your snacking needs as we have collated a delicious list of baked snacks. These snacks are healthy, guilt-free and absolutely binge-worthy.

Here Are 4 Baked Munchies For Mid-Meal Hunger Pangs:

1. Baked Ragi Chakli 

If you thought this baked Chakli wasn’t healthy enough, it’s made with Ragi flour which is a healthier alternative to maida.

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Move over Maida chakli, try Ragi baked Chakli instead. 

2. Baked Shankarpali

Shankarpali is a traditional snack served in Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra. Try these delicious munchies if you love that additional spice.

3. Baked Namak Pare

Namak Pare is one of the most popular tea-time snacks, and here’s an easy baked version you can make and keep for yourself.

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Nimki or Namak Pare can be made by baking too. 

4. Baked Multigrain Murukku

Roughly translating to ‘Twisted’, Murukku is one snack you can continue having without having to worry about loading on excessive calories.

So, next time hunger strikes at odd hours, keep these baked snacks handy and binge to your heart’s content!

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.


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