Home Latest Hindutva is neither Left nor Right: RSS leader Dattatreya Hosabale

Hindutva is neither Left nor Right: RSS leader Dattatreya Hosabale

Hindutva is neither Left nor Right: RSS leader Dattatreya Hosabale


The Hindutva is neither Left nor Right, RSS general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale said on Friday.

“The world had gone to left, or was forced to go left and now the situation is such that world is moving towards the right, so that it’s at the centre. That is what Hindutva is all about, neither Left nor Right,” the RSS leader said while releasing the book – The Hindutva Paradigm — Integral Humanism and the Quest for a Non-Western World View — by RSS leader Ram Madhav.

Hosabale also said that Indian judicial system, which had taken cues from the British colonial system, is not relevant for the nation. To drive home his argument, he quoted Mahatma Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj discourse and the recent comment by the chief justice of India about the Indian judicial system not being fit for the country.

The CJI N V Ramana had last month said, “Very often our justice delivery poses multiple barriers for the common people. The working and the style of courts do not sit well with the complexities of India. Our systems practise rules being colonial in origin may not be best suited to the needs of Indian population. The need of the hour is the Indianisation of our legal system.”

Hosabale, who harped on the all-encompassing nature of the Hindutva, said the essence of Hindutva is to take the best from every corner and mould it to suit your needs, surrounding and life.

“I am from RSS, we have never said in our discourse in the Sangh training camps that we are rightist. Many of our ideas are like leftist ideas,” Hosabale said.

The RSS leader said there is space for ideas of both sides, the left and the right, since these are “human experience.” He added: “There is no full stop in Indian tradition, calling it left or right are suitable for present day geopolitics. The West and east are not totally so, we have never in our discourse said we are rightists. Many of our ideas as like leftist ideas. Geographical or political divide are the east and the west that have blurred, dimmed and melted in the post liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation.”

Hosabale also emphasised the cultural cohesion for longevity of nations. Citing the examples of how Germany reunited with the fall of the Berlin Wall and disintegration of the USSR, the RSS leader said: “Any forceful division or unification does not sustain, culture is the basis for that.”

The RSS leader took a jibe at the usage of the word “Hindutva” in titles and said, “Hindutva is in,” while pointing out that people were reluctant to use the word earlier and went by ‘Indian’. But, he added, even Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, whom he referred as ‘the High priest of secularism’, also said while addressing the students in Aligarh Muslim University that he belonged to the Indian heritage which was bound by the teerthas.

Speaking at the occasion, Ram Madhav said his book is not anti-West world view and that the time has come to explore a world view from India. “In the post-Covid world, order based on new principles is going to take shape in the next decade or so. In this new period of transition, we should we able to transfer our wisdom. The philosophy will be useful for the world,” he said.

“We should continue to accept and implement the ideas we got from outside, but there are some ideas that this land can also contribute and we must turn to them,” he added.


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