Home Health House poised to declare racism a public health crisi

House poised to declare racism a public health crisi

House poised to declare racism a public health crisi


Minnesota lawmakers are poised to make a strong statement against racism during the special session that got underway this week.

Members of the House Rules Committee voted Tuesday to adopt a resolution declaring racism a public health crisis in the state. It now goes to the full House for a vote sometime in the next week.

The resolution commits the House to actively participate in the dismantling of racism in areas of government, including health, public safety and education.

Rep. Ruth Richardson, DFL-Mendota Heights, the author of the measure said action is needed on racism.

“Racism is a public health crisis just as COVID is a public health crisis, Richardson said. “It is literally killing our communities.”

The House resolution also calls for the formation of a select committee to address racism. The panel’s goals will include a review existing policies and practices in the House itself.

Rep. Kaohly Her, DFL-St. Paul, applauded the resolution and its attempt to address racial disparities.

“This clearly is a crisis that needs to be addressed,” Her said. 


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